
Become Who You Want to Attract

By November 17, 2015 August 28th, 2022 No Comments

In “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” John Maxwell’s “Law of Magnetism” states that “who you are is who you attract.”

Are you pleased with the team around you? Are you pleased with the friends and acquaintances you have? If not, then it’s time to look in the mirror. Are you becoming the person that you want to have around you?

Determine your ideal team members and/or friends. What characteristics and qualities do you want to have surrounding you?

Once you’ve made this list, evaluate yourself. Are you displaying those qualities? Are you a living example of them?

Do you want to be more successful? Work on your personal and professional development. Become the person that attracts top talent and high-quality friends.

Do you want to have a higher caliber team? Become the person you are wanting so you can attract people of that quality.

In order to have or achieve more in life, you need to become more. Where do you need to start today?

Be Intentionally Great Today!