
Invest in Yourself to Become More Valuable to Others

By December 1, 2015 July 31st, 2018 No Comments

It has become a bit cliche to use the airplane oxygen mask illustration, but if you don’t help yourself first, you won’t be able to help others.

When it comes to becoming more valuable in your family, marriage, friendships, and workplace you have to invest in yourself. If you are the same person five years from now that you are today, you won’t be nearly as valuable as you have the potential to be. If you don’t start developing yourself today you are hindering your growth tomorrow.

What do you want to be remembered for? Are you working on becoming that person yet?

What level do you want to achieve in your career? Are you positioning yourself to achieve that level by how you are developing yourself today?

I recognize that it is difficult to do the grinding work today when you won’t see results until later, but if you don’t fight through those feelings you will not move forward to meet your hopes, dreams, and goals down the road.

I was greatly impacted by a John Maxwell video I watched several months ago. He asked “What is your goal for 10 years from now?” Then he asked “What do you need to do in the next 30 days to move towards that goal?”

10 years may seem like a long way off, but when you look back on your life, it will feel like the years flew by. Before you know it, another decade will pass. Will you have done the work needed to see the results that you desire?

Don’t let another day, week, month, or year slip by without taking action to move towards your goals. Invest in yourself. As you do, you will become more valuable to the people around you. Your growth will spill over onto the people in your life.

Be Intentionally Great Today!

My mission as a success coach and leadership trainer is to help you take action to become the best version of yourself. Contact me today to discuss how I can help you and/or your organization achieve greater results!