
How to Grow in Influence – Have Faith in People

By March 21, 2016 July 30th, 2018 No Comments

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with the song still in them.” – Henry D. Thoreau

“Faith in people is an essential quality of an influencer when working with others, yet it’s a scarce commodity today.” – John C. Maxwell

The antidote to the problem written by Thoreau is found in Maxwell’s quote. Many people have hopes, dreams, and desires that go unrealized because they don’t have people in their lives encouraging them to step outside their comfort zones and go for it. If you desire to grow in influence, you must have faith in people. You have to believe in them and let them know it. Sometimes you have to let them borrow YOUR faith in them because they don’t have any of their own!

In John Maxwell’s book, Becoming a Person of Influence, he writes the following acronym for the word BELIEVE. Following this guide will help you demonstrate faith in people.

  • B – Believe in them before they succeed
  • E – Emphasize their strengths
  • L – List their past successes
  • I – Instill confidence when they fail
  • E – Experience some wins together
  • V – Visualize their future success
  • E – Expect a new level of living

When you believe in people, you fill their mental and emotional tanks. You give them a vision (maybe for the first time) of what their lives could look like. You give them hope.

Napoleon Bonaparte said “Leaders are dealers in hope.”

  • Are you dealing hope to those you lead?
  • Are you raising the lid of those around you by giving them vision for what they could become?

If you want to grow in influence, begin having faith in people. Show them and tell them that you believe in them. Point out their strengths. Help them get some quick wins. Walk alongside them as they step outside their comfort zones to try something new that they wouldn’t do on their own.

“Bravery feels like fear, but it looks like courage.” – Ashley Wilhite

Who can you help to be brave today? Who can you begin to have faith in?

Be Intentionally Great today!

My mission is to help people discover their purpose and equip them to achieve it. If you need help discovering your own purpose or how to achieve it, I would love to be your coach! If your team needs training to go to the next level, I would love to assist you. Please contact me at [email protected] or 770.715.8280 and let’s get going on the pathway to greater results!