
How to Grow in Influence – Understand People

By April 4, 2016 July 30th, 2018 No Comments

“It doesn’t matter whether your business is creating computer software, selling books, serving food in a  restaurant, building houses, or designing airplanes. The key to success is understanding people.” – John C. Maxwell and Jim Dornan

One of the greatest challenges in leadership and gaining influence with people is that we are all unique. We cannot have a “cookie-cutter” approach to working with people. We have to customize our approach with each individual. This makes for quite a challenge.

I saw this principal in play through my oldest son’s soccer team last season. His coach was able to turn a B-level team into an undefeated team in their regular seasons and they won four out of seven tournaments. I watched closely all season to see how this was happening. I recognized at one point that he was customizing his coaching based on his players’ strengths rather than trying to force them all into one style of playing. By doing so, he took a team of moderately talented players and turned them into an almost unstoppable TEAM. The team was far stronger than the sum of its parts. I give credit to the coach for his coaching approach.

To help people achieve their potential, you need to look at who they are as individuals. You need to understand what makes them laugh, sing, and cry. You need to understand how to help them maximize their strengths and delegate their weaknesses. You have to PAY ATTENTION to people in order to understand them! As leaders and managers, it’s easy to be so task-oriented that you lose sight of the people involved in the tasks. If you truly want to gain influence with people and grow to be a stronger leader, you must learn to understand people better!

John Maxwell and Jim Dornan give us four great questions to ask about people in Becoming a Person of Influence:

  • Where did they come from?
  • Where do they want to go?
  • What is their need now?
  • How can I help?

If you can answer these questions about the people around you, you will be able to gain incredible influence in their lives. You will be able to help them achieve things they never thought possible. When they realize you care enough about them to understand them, people will begin to follow you at new levels. To be a person of influence, make it a priority to understand people.

Be Intentionally Great today!