
How to Gain Control of Your To-Do List

By August 29, 2016 July 30th, 2018 No Comments

I recently found myself staring at multiple “to-do” lists. All the items on them were good things to do, but were they all the best things? Of course not. If you’re anything like me, your mind is always generating thoughts of what you COULD do, but when we start feeling overwhelmed, we need to step back and define what we SHOULD do.

How do you move from COULD to SHOULD?

  1. Slow down and take a breath. 
  2. Remember your “why.” (Are you clear on your purpose?)
  3. Comb through your to-do list and see what lines up with your “why” and what is required of you right now.
  4. Of the things that do, prioritize what should be done first, second, third, etc.
  5. Schedule times on your calendar to work on each item. (What gets scheduled gets done!)
  6. Start tackling one item at a time.

The feeling of being overwhelmed is a common problem for many of us. There never seems to be enough time in the day. However, when we begin to sift through the clutter and schedule actions to be taken, we start to gain momentum. Over time, the “compound effect” kicks in and we start to feel like we’re winning.

This week, dedicate time to sift through your clutter. One key action that might help you is to physically clean up your work space. A cluttered desk or office actually causes more problems for you than you may realize. Get organized. Be intentional about your to-do list. Schedule time to take action. And make sure to do it!

I’m confident if you take these steps you will start to gain ground in areas where you have felt like you’ve been losing. The process itself is not complicated, but it does take discipline. Make a commitment right now to choose discipline so you can live and work most effectively.

Be Intentionally Great today!

***Be looking for details of an upcoming personal growth opportunity that I’m going to be launching with a fellow John Maxwell Team coach and trainer. We will be kicking this off on Thursday, September 22nd.