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Check Your Vision

“Vision is foresight that comes from insight gained from hindsight.” – John Maxwell

Vision is critical to achieving the results you desire. Just like blurry vision in our eyes creates problems for us to see where we are going,  blurry vision in our personal and professional lives creates problems for us to achieve all that we dream of. You have to see the end result in your mind before you start if you want to be successful. Everything is created mentally before it is created physically. If you don’t like your current situation, check your vision.

  • What do you want to achieve? – Begin with the end in mind.
  • Who do you need to include? – Nothing great happens without a team.
  • What resources do you need? – This could be finances, materials, etc.
  • What is the timeline you need to execute the steps? – When to do something is as important as what to do.

Define your vision, then think through the steps that you need to accomplish it. If you start a project without an end in mind, you will run the risk of working tirelessly trying to achieve something that isn’t defined. You will wear yourself out. If you define your vision and write out a plan to accomplish it, you will be able to invest your energy and resources appropriately.

As you conclude 2015 and look forward to a new year, spend time developing a vision for what you want to accomplish in the next 12 months. Write down action steps and a timeline that will help you achieve it. Reflect on your past to learn lessons that will help you move into the future. As the saying goes, “Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.” Learn from your past and apply those lessons to achieve your vision for the future.

Be Intentionally Great Today!


As an executive and personal coach, I help people clarify their vision for their lives and organizations. We then develop a plan to take the steps to achieve the desired results.  Contact me today if you are in need of an objective partner to become all that you are designed to be.