
Become What You Expect From Others

By October 7, 2015 July 31st, 2018 No Comments

In John C. Maxwell’s best-selling book “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”, he writes about The Law of the Picture. In this law, he states that “PEOPLE DO WHAT PEOPLE SEE.”

As a leader you MUST model for your followers what you expect from them. If you expect from them what you are not willing to be and do, you are a hypocrite. Hypocrites do not gain increasing credibility. Instead, they lose credibility more and more each day.

Does this mean you have to be perfect in every area of leadership? NO! It does mean that you must model a growth mindset. Show your people how you are improving on your strengths and addressing your weaknesses. Talk openly with them about how you’re striving to improve. Acknowledge your weaknesses – they already know!

John Maxwell also writes about The Law of Magnetism, which states “WHO YOU ARE IS WHO YOU ATTRACT.” In this chapter, he challenges readers to make a list of the characteristics and qualities of the people they want on their team. Then he says to evaluate yourself against that list.

Are you displaying the qualities that you desire for your team?

If the answer is “yes”, congratulations! Keep working on your strengths to become the best version of yourself.

If the answer is “no”, start working today to become what you expect from others. How?

  • Read books, blogs, and articles that address your key issues.
  • Find a mentor who has the qualities that you desire to possess.
  • Hire a coach to walk alongside you for a season to help you become a better version of you.
  • Find conferences and workshops that will give you greater insights and awareness.
  • Ask others what they see in you. Take their feedback and reflect on how you can improve.

Become what you expect from others. Display the qualities that you desire in your team. Make a commitment to improve daily. Model a growth mindset for your followers. Be the picture that motivates others to become more and perform better.

Be Intentionally Great Today!