
Start Before You’re Good

By April 19, 2016 July 30th, 2018 No Comments

I attended a powerful workshop last week that challenged me to think about what I want in life, but also forced me to list what was stopping me from achieving my goals. Afterwards, I was reflecting a bit. One item has been my worry about not having the highest quality of videos to share with people.

I’m not a technical guy. I know enough about computers and technology to do decent work, but when I’ve looked at the work of some of my mentors I knew I didn’t have the resources to produce what they are producing. And it stopped me from starting…

Have you ever been there? Have you ever been paralyzed because you didn’t have everything figured out? Have you ever felt inadequate to get going? Maybe it was writing, speaking, art, a sport or something completely different. Maybe you’ve thought you had to be good before you can start producing something.

This jumped out at me when I was listening to a mentor’s podcast. I had listened to his most recent podcasts, which are REALLY well done. I went back and listened to a few of his first ones and they were very mediocre. But he decided to start and has improved the quality along the way. The crazy thing is that his early content was just as helpful as his latest. It is just better produced. The value is still great!

I share this today because I want you to realize that you need to start before you’re “good” or you’ll never start. If you wait until you have it “perfect”, you’ll never get started. I’ve heard it said that “anything worth doing is worth doing poorly.” While you probably don’t want to do anything poorly, you have to start somewhere and improve along the way.

Whatever it is that you’ve been postponing, do it in the next 72 hours regardless of the quality. Start before you’re good and one day you’ll realize that you’re actually good! You can do this. I believe in you. It’s time to believe in yourself and get started.

Be Intentionally Great today!