
The Key to Growing Your Team

By February 22, 2016 October 3rd, 2022 No Comments

Everyone wants to be a part of a successful team. However, many teams are loaded with talent but don’t find themselves experiencing the success they desire. As a team leader, it’s important to find ways to help your team grow so they have the chance to succeed.

How do you grow your team? The answer may surprise you.

You as the leader must grow first!

If you are growing as a leader and helping your team members grow, you will start to see the team achieve greater results and climb to new heights. If you don’t make growth a priority, you will see your team become stagnant and eventually start to deteriorate.

In John Maxwell’s book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John teaches “The Law of the Lid” which states that “a person’s level of effectiveness is determined by his leadership ability.” The same is true for a team. The team’s level of effectiveness and success is determined by the leader’s leadership ability. If you are a growing leader, then the lid for your team will rise, which means the effectiveness will increase. If you are not growing, you are being a lid on the team’s potential.

Are you raising the lid for your team or are you holding the team back?

Are you growing and helping team members grow or are you stifling the team’s growth and results?

If you want to grow your team, it starts with you as the leader. There is no way around it. In order to recruit the high-level team members you desire, you have to become a leader that attracts such talent. If you are a 5-level leader (on a scale of 1-10), you will attract 3s and 4s. To attract higher level talent, you must become a higher level leader. You will only be able to attract and retain leaders by being a leader they desire to follow. A level 8 leader will not want to work on a team with a level 5 team leader. Even if they come on the team for a season, they won’t last long. They will grow frustrated with your level of leadership ability.

Make a commitment today to grow. Also make a commitment to help your team members grow. As you raise the lid for yourself bring your team along. Share with them what you’re learning. Model greater leadership ability for them. Leadership is more caught than taught. Be an example of a growing leader and watch your team climb to new heights.

Be Intentionally Great today!