
The Thankful Leader

By November 23, 2015 July 31st, 2018 No Comments

Perhaps you’ve heard the saying that we should have “the attitude of gratitude.” While that sounds great and inspiring, it is not always an easy virtue to live out. I believe we are all thankful for various people and things in our lives. But do you express it?

Think about the people you have influence with. Are you thankful for them? If so, do they know it?

It is Thanksgiving week. During the month of November each year you can find people posting on social media about who and what they are thankful for. This is nice, but I believe it falls short. We should be expressing regularly throughout the year our thankfulness. And it doesn’t have to be on public display. It can be a private conversation.

Gone are the days of “leading” people with the attitude that they should be glad to have the job they have and their paychecks are thanks enough. Yes, their paychecks are in response for the work they do. However, to lead people well today the best leaders are thankful leaders. They share with their employees and coworkers that they value them. They write notes and emails expressing their thankfulness. They look them in the eye and let them know regularly that they are thankful that they are on the team.

This needs to be authentic. If you are not thankful for someone on your team you need to explore why and address that issue. Assuming you are thankful for them, you need to share it with them.

As Thanksgiving arrives yet again, reflect on who you are thankful for and why. Write them a note. Stop them in the hall and tell them. Invite them to lunch or to have coffee and share how you value them. Be creative!

It is easy to let days, weeks, months, and years slide by without expressing thankfulness. If you have to make a note in your calendar to remind yourself to share your gratitude, do it! Your team members will appreciate it and you will build greater rapport and credibility as a result.

If you are not a thankful leader, I encourage you to reflect on why that is. What is keeping you from being grateful? Explore that deeply. This could be a breakthrough moment for you and your team members.

Be Intentionally Great (and Thankful) Today!

If I can be of service to you or your team in building a more thankful culture please contact me. I would love to partner with with you!