
The View From the 3rd Story Balcony

By July 18, 2016 July 30th, 2018 No Comments

The Scene

As I write this, I’m sitting on the 3rd story balcony of the beach house our family is living in for the week. I am reminded that life on the ground can often be short-sighted and overwhelming. I’m watching the sun go down over the Gulf of Mexico. I’m watching rows of cars pass by down the street. I’m watching joggers and bikers go up and down the bike path. I’m watching families head back home for the night after a fun day at the beach. The ocean is calming down for the night. The moon is rising and reflecting on the water. Life is good.

The Lesson

As I reflect on what I’m seeing, I realize that I don’t get up above ground level enough. I need to climb higher regularly. I need to reflect on what is going on around me consistently. Years ago I was on a youth mission trip to a Native American reservation in northern Arizona. Our team was broken up into smaller groups to climb a nearby mountain where we could see over top of the community we were serving. At the top we could see approximately 90 miles away. We could see 360 degrees. It was breathtaking. It gave us greater perspective about the community we were serving and why we were there. There was a much grander vision than we saw at the base of the mountain.

  • Do you ever stop to reflect at a higher level?
  • Do you rise above the daily grind to reflect on your greater life purpose?
  • Do you consider why you do what you do?
  • Do you think much about the mission and vision of your job, organization, or family?

Many people are afraid of heights, but let me tell you that life from the 3rd story brings a greater perspective. Maybe it’s time to face your fear of heights so you can see things more clearly. Maybe what you need most right now is a higher view of your life so you can gain greater understanding of what’s going on at ground level. Maybe a time of reflection will refuel your tank and help you achieve more personally and professionally.

If you desire to Be Intentionally Great, you must start with greater clarity. One of my mentors has taught me the following path that makes a greater difference in our lives: clarity > competence > confidence > influence > impact > income.

I believe in you. You have greatness within you. You were created with a great purpose.

Go Be Intentionally Great today!