
To Gain Clarity, Start Moving Forward

By June 7, 2016 July 30th, 2018 No Comments

I was in a conversation recently with someone who is looking for a job and wishing they had a sign from God to give them a clear understanding of their purpose so they could find a career that fits it. I believe many people would love to receive a similar sign.

If you are waiting for that sign, start moving forward. By taking action, you are moving one step closer to gaining the clarity you desire. If you want to find the perfect job or career, start experimenting in various industries or organizations. Experimentation will help you discover what you like and what you don’t. Learn from failures and set-backs along the way. They will redirect you toward your purpose.

Studies have shown for years that employees are dissatisfied and disengaged in their jobs. Lack of purpose and clarity is a big reason why. When you do not feel like you are accomplishing what you are called to do, you will lack motivation and be less engaged. You will put in your time, but will not be very effective. When you are focused on your purpose, you will work with much greater passion and enthusiasm.

As the saying goes, “it’s not easy to steer a parked car.” When you are taking action, you can make directional changes much easier. If you are in “park” and waiting for a divine sign, nothing feels like it’s working for you.

Today, if you feel stuck or frustrated with where you are in life, start moving forward by taking action in an area that you think could be good for you. As you get going, you will pick up momentum. Also, pay attention to how you can find purpose in the job or situation the you are currently in. This will help your motivation and effectiveness.

Be Intentionally Great today!

If you would like help discovering your purpose and developing a plan to move forward, please contact me to discuss how coaching can be of value to you.