
What is your growth plan?

By October 3, 2016 July 30th, 2018 No Comments

If we were to sit down over coffee and I asked you, “What is your growth plan?”, how would you answer?

  1. Would you share with me what you are doing and how you came to that plan?
  2. Would you have a sheepish look and hesitantly admit that you have thought of a plan, but you haven’t done anything with it?
  3. Would you give me a blank stare wondering exactly what I was asking?

If you fall into the category #1, congratulations! You are among a very small population of people who have thoughtfully and intentionally mapped out a plan for personal growth. That is highly commendable!

If you fall into category #2, it’s okay. Give yourself some grace, but use this moment to recalibrate, schedule your plan into your calendar, and commit to taking action this week to get on track.

If you are in category #3, let me help you today. A growth plan does not have to be complicated. In fact, it shouldn’t be! Complicated plans are rarely executed. A clear, simple plan should be your goal.

What goes into your plan? I’m glad you asked!

First, here are a few questions to consider:

  • When are you most alert and able to focus to read, listen, or watch growth-oriented resources?
  • How do you learn best? (hearing, seeing, experiencing, etc.)
  • What is one key area that you want to grow in?
  • How committed are you to scheduling time to invest in your growth?

Now, here are a few ideas to consider to include in your plan:

  • Determine one growth topic for the year
  • Pick out four books to read over the course of the year (one per quarter)
  • Research podcasts that are related to your topic and commit to listening to one per week
  • Research online videos on your topic and commit to watching one per week
  • Identify one person with expertise in your topic and seek them out as a mentor over the course of the year

This is not an exhaustive list, but rather is meant to get ideas flowing. One error that many of us make is that we want to tackle too much at once. Giving your full attention to one growth area per year and taking a deep dive will help you go further faster. If you simply get 1% better each week, you will be more than 50% better over the course of a year! That can translate into exponential growth long-term.

You are a living, active human being. Living, active things are meant to grow. However, many of us settle for what we already know and therefore leave our growth up to chance. Don’t let that be you! Instead, become intentional about your growth regardless of your age, life stage, profession, etc. Let it be said of you at the end of your life that you were committed to getting better until the end. Creating and executing a growth plan is a pathway to greater success and living a life of significance. Make a commitment to this process today.

Be Intentionally Great!

***One way that I am working to help people grow is by offering a FREE weekly teleconference training call. Each Thursday evening at 8pm EDT, my colleague Mark Williams and I are teaching through “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” by John C. Maxwell. This call is designed to give you practical, actionable tips and growth mentors to guide you on your journey. Click HERE to register for the call and receive call-in information. We’d love to have you join us!