
3 Intentional Steps to Become a More Enthusiastic Leader

By May 3, 2021 No Comments

With the hectic pace of life and business these days, many people are feeling worn down and continually exhausted. This can significantly diminish our productivity, as well as, our enthusiasm for anything we want to accomplish personally and professionally.

However, we’ve all run across people who seem to have endless amounts of energy even amidst stress or crises. It can make you wonder if it’s real, and if so, how it’s even possible to live like that.

The good news is that we can become more enthusiastic by making a few intentional adjustments. Consider the following three steps so you can exude enthusiasm:

1 – Spark Your Mind

Living and working with enthusiasm begins as an inside job. It starts internally, not externally. There are too many external factors that can hijack our enthusiasm if we let them. To combat distractions, it is critical to invest in yourself. Reading books, listening to podcasts, meeting with mentors, exercising, or simply taking time off to refresh your body, mind, and spirit can do wonders. Do what works best for you. You have unique interests and ways to grow and restore yourself. Sparking your mind is self-care. It is both mental and emotional. When you invest in your mental health, your emotions follow. Taking care of yourself allows your enthusiasm the opportunity to improve.

2 – Fan Your Flame

You can’t just take action one time and set it aside. Too much is happening around you each day to take care of yourself once and then forget about it. It’s an ongoing, daily process. Just like a campfire continually needs more wood and fuel added to continue burning, so do we as people. Personal growth must become a daily habit. Develop the discipline of pouring into yourself so you have something to give to others. You can’t give what you don’t have. It’s that simple.

3 – Ignite Your Followers

Once you do the work of taking care of yourself and adding personal growth habits to your routine, you will have something to pass along to your followers. Many people have never learned to invest in themselves, therefore, they need their leaders to show them the way forward. When you show up with enthusiasm each day you begin to set the pace for your team members. While your enthusiasm must start with you, it shouldn’t end with you. Think about wildfires. They don’t start out as a blazing inferno. Rather, they start with a small spark that spreads more and more over time. Commit to being an enthusiastic inferno for your team.

Imagine waking up energized each day to tackle whatever lies ahead.

Imagine investing in yourself and experiencing exponential internal and external growth.

Imagine having a team of on-fire, enthusiastic people working hard to accomplish organizational goals and objectives. 

This can all be possible when you spark your mind, fan your flame, and ignite your followers. 

The power is in your hands. Will you take action and responsibility to exude enthusiasm wherever you go? If you will, you’ll become the kind of leader who sets the tone for everyone around you.

In my new book, The Magnetic Leader: 18 Essential Actions of Leaders People Love to Follow, I go much deeper into Essential Action #10 – Exudes Enthusiasm. CLICK HERE to learn more and to purchase your copy today!

Until next time…make today GREAT!