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How to Be a Great Leader

You have the capacity to be a great leader. Do you believe that?

I’m not saying that you will necessarily lead a revolution like Martin Luther King, Jr. or Nelson Mandela or Mahatma Ghandi. What I am saying is that you have the capacity to influence the people around you in a big way.

John C. Maxwell famously teaches that “the true measure of leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less.” You influence people each day – family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc. You even influence yourself and self-leadership is the toughest form of leadership!

Listen to what Alan Hirsch writes in his book The Forgotten Ways – “To be a great leader in this sense is to inspire, evoke, and nurture something correspondingly great in those who follow. Through an integrated life, great leaders remind their followers of what they can become if they too base their lives on a compassionate notion of humanity framed by a higher moral vision of the world in which we live.”

The reason you can become a great leader is because you have the ability to inspire, evoke, nurture and remind people of what they can become. You can point out the strengths you see in them. You can encourage them to use their talents. You can push them to develop their abilities. You can give them HOPE by speaking words of affirmation and encouragement to them.

Think about it…how often do people speak encouraging words to you about your strengths and talents? If you’re like most people, it’s not often. In fact, most of us take these things for granted in the people we’re closest to.

If you want to become a great leader – and I hope you do – start paying attention to the people around you and help them see the value they contribute to the world. Encourage and challenge them to step into their gifts and grow to the next level. Be a messenger of hope by pointing out what is often overlooked.

Be Intentionally Great today!

Thank you!


At the risk of being cliche during Thanksgiving week, I want to simply say “Thank you!” You are why I do what I do. I am passionate about coaching people to clarify their life purposes so they can break through barriers and reach their potential. I am passionate about guiding people to grow in leadership so they achieve greater influence, impact, and income. I am passionate about helping teams and organizations develop healthy cultures that truly make a difference for employees, customers, and clients.

As I reflect on the past 16 months since I started my blog, I feel very blessed and honored that you have chosen to connect with me. I hope that what I share is encouraging and valuable to you. I hope that as you apply the principles that I’ve found so valuable over my years in leadership that you will have a greater personal and professional life.

As you enter this week of Thanksgiving, I encourage you to reach out to those who are connected to you and let them know how you are thankful for them. One of the great things about annual holidays like Thanksgiving is that they give us a consistent rhythm in our lives to stop and reflect amidst hectic schedules. Don’t let this week slip by without sharing your thankfulness with those that impact you.

Idea – write at least five notes or cards to people who have made a difference in your life this year to express your thanks. In our culture, we don’t receive many letters or notes encouraging us. Stand out this year by giving the gift of your written thoughts.

I hope you have a fantastic week and please know I am praying that you and your loved ones have safe travels as you spend time celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday.

Be Intentionally Great today!


Why Resilience is Important

My friend and author, Tricia Andreassen, is releasing her latest book this week called “Resilience in the Storm.” You can buy it on Amazon HERE. This book is a compilation of real life stories of people who have bounced back after many challenges and struggles. Today I want to share why resilience is important.

Let’s face it, life has many challenges. We face struggles in many areas – personal, relational, professional, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc. Each new day has the potential to bring new struggles and challenges, but you can persevere. In fact, I think we all love great comeback stories. Movies are made and books are written all the time about someone who seemed to be defeated, yet came back to win. I immediately think of movies like Rocky, Invictus, Rudy, and Braveheart. These are all stories of people who faced crushing defeat only to come back and end up on top victorious.

Why do we gravitate to these stories? Because we want them to be our stories! We want to know it’s possible to comeback after a setback. Too many people feel that their setbacks are final. Resilient people recognize that setbacks aren’t final, but rather a part of the process of getting stronger. 

Think of setbacks like weight training. You have to push yourself through the resistance of heavy weights in order to get stronger. The more resilient you are to how you feel while working out, the stronger you become and the more motivated you are to keep at it. You’re then able to take on more weight and continue to build muscle and stamina.

When you are against a “wall” in your life, how do you respond? Many people say “There’s a wall there, so I can’t go any farther. I’ll just turn back.” Resilient people say, “I know there’s a wall there, but there has to be a way around it or through it. I’m going to find a way.” The difference isn’t skill or ability. The difference is mindset.

Resilience is important because life can be difficult. To achieve your potential, you will have to overcome setbacks in order to realize your hopes and dreams. We often buy into the lie that life will be easy. That’s just not true. Start thinking of setbacks as resistance training for your life. The more you persevere, the stronger you become. And the more resilience you display, the more impact and influence you can have with the people around you. You will become a living example that can inspire others. Mike Breen says, “People don’t need a perfect example; they need a living example.” Resilient people become the living example that others need to see.

I believe in you. I am confident that as you persevere and show resilience, you will become stronger. You will grow into the best version of yourself that you were created to become. You will motivate and inspire others. Your influence will grow. You will be a person others lean on for help in their own difficulties.

Once again, if you would like to read about real people overcoming real life challenges, order a copy of “Resilience in the Storm” today by clicking HERE.


Be Intentionally Great today!

What does “Being Intentionally Great” really mean?

For months I’ve closed my blog posts with the phrase “Be Intentionally Great.” Today I want to drill down on what this really means. If I ask 100 people what it means to be “great,” I’m confident I would hear about 100 different answers. gives a few ideas on what “great” is:

  • unusually or comparatively large in size or dimensions
  • large in number; numerous
  • unusual or considerable in degree, power, intensity, etc.
  • wonderful; first-rate; very good
  • being such in an extreme or notable degree
  • notable; remarkable; exceptionally outstanding
  • important; highly significant or consequential

As you can tell, defining greatness is difficult. There are many views of what “great” is. I want to share a key principle that has the power to change your life, your family, your workplace, your community, and ultimately our world. My view comes from not only a mentor or friend, but someone whom I call Lord and Savior. I consider Jesus Christ to be THE ultimate leader and model for all humanity. If you are not a person of faith, please hang in there with me for a moment to consider how Jesus defined greatness. Regardless of your faith beliefs, this principle is powerful.

One time Jesus was teaching people about how to live so they could honor God. In the midst of many teaching points in Matthew 23, he simply says “The greatest among you will be your servant.” (v. 11) This was an eyebrow-raising idea in the first century. Think about it. In a culture where class systems were strong and divided, Jesus says that those who are greatest are actually those who serve others. Kings had servants. Political and religious leaders were fighting for positions where they would be served. Society was set up in a way for people to strive for more and more power. And then Jesus flipped it upside down by saying that those who serve are actually the greatest. What?!

Servant leadership has become a buzz concept in the business world over the years. We are hearing more and more leaders talk and write about this. Why? Because serving others rather than expecting others to serve you changes culture!

In a world where people are claiming “greatness” all the time and trying to become “king of the hill,” we need people to become great by serving those around them. Instead of a Mohammed Ali type proclamation of “I am the greatest!” we need servant leaders who put others first and help people achieve more and reach their potential. We need leaders in all sectors of society to look around at their followers and choose to lead them by serving.

Do you want to be truly great? Start serving the people around you. Start by serving your spouse, kids, parents, co-workers, neighbors, and even the strangers that you meet. Les Brown famously states “You have greatness within you!” I agree with him because every one of us can serve others. Greatness isn’t about being #1 and putting ourselves on a platform above others. Rather, it is about helping others shine and succeed. Being great is about helping others reach their potential – to become the best versions of themselves.

Are you still not convinced? Think about this – Who do you love to be around – someone who is always promoting how great they are or someone who helps you feel or become great? I know the answer is easy for me. I want to be around people who lift me up and motivate me to be better. I want to be around people who expose my blind spots and help me grow and achieve more. I want to be around people who have my best interest in mind rather than seeking to force their agenda on me. I bet you do too.

As you move forward in your week and even in your life, my hope for you is that you will truly “Be Intentionally Great” by finding ways to serve those around you. I know you have greatness within you because every one of us can serve the people within our reach. I believe in you. Go out and test this principle out.

Be Intentionally Great today!


The Process of Fulfilling a Vision


Have you ever had a vision for something and then been frustrated because it didn’t become reality soon enough?

Have you ever wondered why you had a vision that seemed impossible to achieve?

Have you ever given up on a vision because you grew impatient waiting for it to happen?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I hope this teaching will help you understand what must happen to fulfill your vision. There is a three phase process that we must go through and it’s not for the faint of heart.

Phase 1 – The Vision

In this phase, you receive a vision about what you can, should or want to do. The vision energizes you, excites you, and motivates you to take action. For some, you may buy web domain names, set up Facebook pages or groups, call/text your friends to share what it is, set up a crowd funding page, start writing a blog or book, etc.  You are inspired and flying high. But then something happens…

Phase 2 – The Valley 

Once the initial surge of energy wears off from receiving the vision, you get distracted or discouraged. You feel like nothing is happening. You wonder if you really “saw” the vision. You feel confused about what actions to take or who you can ask for help. You become impatient. You wonder if you can even achieve the vision. Self-doubt creeps in. You may even battle depression because it feels like there is a huge gap between where you are and where the vision is.

In the valley, you are being prepared. Most visions are WAY bigger than us. We have a lot of growing to do in order to accomplish the vision. And growing hurts! Jim Rohn once said, “Don’t wish it was easier. Wish you were better.” A friend of mine shared the illustration of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. We all want to become the butterfly, but a transformation has to happen inside the cocoon (aka “The Valley”). And that transformation requires growth, which means we are stretched, pulled, challenged, and the rough edges must be chipped away. That hurts! That is what happens in the valley. But there’s hope…

Phase 3 – The Victory

When you endure the valley and grow into the person you need to become to achieve your vision, victory is coming your way! This is when the vision becomes reality. You open for business. You launch your product or service. You publish your book. Whatever it is, it’s now “go time!” This is when you become what others see as an “overnight success.” People who haven’t watched you struggle through the valley think you had an idea one day and the next day it became a reality, but you know better. That is why victory tastes so sweet.

Think about victory in the sports world. All the training. All the sweat. All the injuries endured. And then the team is lifting the championship trophy or receiving the gold medals. You can’t wipe the smiles off the players’ faces because they finally achieved what they envisioned before the season began…maybe even since childhood.

And guess what often happens? You get a new vision. Something bigger than the last. Something that will require you to go through the valley again so you grow even more. But you’re battle tested now! You’ve gone through the pain once and you can do it again. You’re ready for another victory. So you press on and go through the process again. You’re a champion. You’re Leading Life BIG!

Are you ready? Are you up for the process? I sure hope so because the world needs you to accomplish the vision you have. Please don’t hide it. Press on and grow to achieve it. And know I’m here cheering you on.

Be Intentionally Great today!

***Join the Lead Life BIG Community email list to receive blog alerts and other information about personal and professional growth opportunities. Click HERE to subscribe!

What is your growth plan?

If we were to sit down over coffee and I asked you, “What is your growth plan?”, how would you answer?

  1. Would you share with me what you are doing and how you came to that plan?
  2. Would you have a sheepish look and hesitantly admit that you have thought of a plan, but you haven’t done anything with it?
  3. Would you give me a blank stare wondering exactly what I was asking?

If you fall into the category #1, congratulations! You are among a very small population of people who have thoughtfully and intentionally mapped out a plan for personal growth. That is highly commendable!

If you fall into category #2, it’s okay. Give yourself some grace, but use this moment to recalibrate, schedule your plan into your calendar, and commit to taking action this week to get on track.

If you are in category #3, let me help you today. A growth plan does not have to be complicated. In fact, it shouldn’t be! Complicated plans are rarely executed. A clear, simple plan should be your goal.

What goes into your plan? I’m glad you asked!

First, here are a few questions to consider:

  • When are you most alert and able to focus to read, listen, or watch growth-oriented resources?
  • How do you learn best? (hearing, seeing, experiencing, etc.)
  • What is one key area that you want to grow in?
  • How committed are you to scheduling time to invest in your growth?

Now, here are a few ideas to consider to include in your plan:

  • Determine one growth topic for the year
  • Pick out four books to read over the course of the year (one per quarter)
  • Research podcasts that are related to your topic and commit to listening to one per week
  • Research online videos on your topic and commit to watching one per week
  • Identify one person with expertise in your topic and seek them out as a mentor over the course of the year

This is not an exhaustive list, but rather is meant to get ideas flowing. One error that many of us make is that we want to tackle too much at once. Giving your full attention to one growth area per year and taking a deep dive will help you go further faster. If you simply get 1% better each week, you will be more than 50% better over the course of a year! That can translate into exponential growth long-term.

You are a living, active human being. Living, active things are meant to grow. However, many of us settle for what we already know and therefore leave our growth up to chance. Don’t let that be you! Instead, become intentional about your growth regardless of your age, life stage, profession, etc. Let it be said of you at the end of your life that you were committed to getting better until the end. Creating and executing a growth plan is a pathway to greater success and living a life of significance. Make a commitment to this process today.

Be Intentionally Great!

***One way that I am working to help people grow is by offering a FREE weekly teleconference training call. Each Thursday evening at 8pm EDT, my colleague Mark Williams and I are teaching through “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” by John C. Maxwell. This call is designed to give you practical, actionable tips and growth mentors to guide you on your journey. Click HERE to register for the call and receive call-in information. We’d love to have you join us!

Top Performers Focus on Their Strengths

Too often we feel the pressure to get better in our weak areas rather than improve upon our strengths. While we can always grow in both areas, top performers stay in their strength zones and delegate their weaknesses. Think about it. What if Michael Phelps focused on a sport he isn’t talented in rather than swimming? Or LeBron James focusing on something other than basketball? Or Bill Gates trying to be an athlete rather than a computer developer and businessman? There are many examples around us of people who are doing great things, but what if they were focused on their weaknesses instead of their strengths? What would they have to offer the world?

If you are in a job that you’re weak in, maybe it’s time to look for new work or at least find a way to use your strengths where you are instead. If you’re not seeing the success that you desire in your life, it’s time to evaluate where you’re putting your energy – your weaknesses or your strengths?

I believe that a key problem holding many people back from success is not knowing or working in their strength zones. Don’t let that be you. Find what you are strong in and devote your energy to using those skills and growing to be even stronger. As for your weaknesses, delegate them to others. If you can’t delegate them, find ways to make adjustments so you aren’t having to focus on them.

If you want to become all you were created to be, it’s time to figure out your strengths and start living them out.

Be Intentionally Great today!

Three Key Steps to Continual Growth

One of my mentors shared a great teaching last week that I wanted to pass on to you today. Christian Simpson of The John Maxwell Team reminded us that every meeting and activity is an opportunity for growth if we approach it the right way. How do we accomplish that? It’s a simple three-step process:


Let’s walk through each step briefly…

PREPARE – Whatever you have on your calendar, prepare in advance by gathering your thoughts, writing down questions or notes, and thinking through the conversations or activities that you will participate in. By preparing in advance, your mind will be ready to receive information that will stick. This gives you a greater opportunity to grow.

PARTICIPATE – When you are engaged in an activity or conversation, BE FULLY PRESENT. It is very easy to be distracted in our culture today. In order to participate for maximum impact, you must intentionally engage and stay focused. This may mean you need to silence your phone (or put it away out of sight). It may mean you need to find a quiet meeting place. Whatever it takes for you to give your full attention, do it! Too many of us are physically present while being mentally and emotionally absent. One way to participate better is to take notes. Make sure to write down important information so you will not forget later.

REFLECT – After you have participated, spend time reflecting on what was said or done.

  • What can you learn?
  • What did you hear that you need to apply?
  • What are action items that you need to address?
  • Review your notes.
  • Spend time thinking through the topic that was discussed.
  • Review the activities that you participated in.

Whatever you did, take time to reflect so you don’t miss lessons along the way. This process requires you to be intentional. We don’t naturally do this. When we live on “auto pilot,” we miss a lot of growth opportunities. Make the decision today to implement this process into your life. We don’t become GREAT overnight. Rather, we do so through daily disciplines that compound over time. Become more disciplined and you will see yourself growing and moving toward greatness.

One way I want to help you BE INTENTIONALLY GREAT is by inviting you to a FREE weekly leadership training call. Beginning Thursday, September 22 at 8pm EST, I will be co-hosting a weekly conference call with my John Maxwell Team colleague, Mark Williams. To sign up and receive the call-in information, click HERE. We hope you’ll join us!

Be Intentionally Great today!

How to Gain Control of Your To-Do List

I recently found myself staring at multiple “to-do” lists. All the items on them were good things to do, but were they all the best things? Of course not. If you’re anything like me, your mind is always generating thoughts of what you COULD do, but when we start feeling overwhelmed, we need to step back and define what we SHOULD do.

How do you move from COULD to SHOULD?

  1. Slow down and take a breath. 
  2. Remember your “why.” (Are you clear on your purpose?)
  3. Comb through your to-do list and see what lines up with your “why” and what is required of you right now.
  4. Of the things that do, prioritize what should be done first, second, third, etc.
  5. Schedule times on your calendar to work on each item. (What gets scheduled gets done!)
  6. Start tackling one item at a time.

The feeling of being overwhelmed is a common problem for many of us. There never seems to be enough time in the day. However, when we begin to sift through the clutter and schedule actions to be taken, we start to gain momentum. Over time, the “compound effect” kicks in and we start to feel like we’re winning.

This week, dedicate time to sift through your clutter. One key action that might help you is to physically clean up your work space. A cluttered desk or office actually causes more problems for you than you may realize. Get organized. Be intentional about your to-do list. Schedule time to take action. And make sure to do it!

I’m confident if you take these steps you will start to gain ground in areas where you have felt like you’ve been losing. The process itself is not complicated, but it does take discipline. Make a commitment right now to choose discipline so you can live and work most effectively.

Be Intentionally Great today!

***Be looking for details of an upcoming personal growth opportunity that I’m going to be launching with a fellow John Maxwell Team coach and trainer. We will be kicking this off on Thursday, September 22nd.