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Chris McClure

3 Key Ways to Guard Your Integrity as a Leader

We’ve seen way too many key leaders in a variety of sectors “fall from the top” because of poor moral or ethical choices. Yet somehow we find ourselves surprised each time. The reality is that it shouldn’t be surprising if we’re actually watching how they live and lead.

Integrity is a value that organizations and individuals often proclaim, but struggle to uphold. If you want to become a leader who people trust through thick and thin, guarding your integrity must be a high priority.

Consider the following three ways to improve or operate with integrity more consistently:

1 – Define and Know Your Values

Many leaders don’t live out their values because they don’t know what they are. Organizations often make their core values public and evident to both their employees and customers. People rarely do the same. I believe it’s a simple oversight that has significant ramifications. I encourage you to invest time listing and defining what your core values are so you can intentionally live up to them. If you struggle with this exercise, ask someone close to you to share the values they see you living out. If you’re not living out what you want to portray, define at least one aspirational value to work toward displaying. This will help you raise your own bar toward excellence.

2 – Communicate With Words, Demonstrate With Actions

We’ve all been around people who say one thing, but do another. The problem with this in leadership is that someone is always watching and followers do what they see. You can’t expect them to live up to a standard that you refuse to model. Be bold and share your personal core values with your followers and ask them to tell you when you let them slide. This provides credibility and a stellar example to them. Encourage them to define their own values, share them with you and their peers, then live them out daily.

3 – Advance Your Reputation With Credibility

It’s often said that your reputation precedes you. This is very true. Just think of how you think about certain people before you ever meet them. Their reputation is either good or bad in your mind because of what others have said about them in advance. When you guard your integrity by defining and living out your values, your reputation will be aligned with how you want people to perceive you. As you intentionally act based on your values, your credibility and reputation will improve.

Integrity is too important to leave to chance. You must prioritize each day to develop and guard it. 

Imagine having clarity on your personal values and holding yourself to a higher standard than most others around you. 

Imagine living out and demonstrating your values each day as you live, work, and play.

Imagine walking into business meetings and social engagements with people looking favorably on you before you ever arrive. 

This can be your reality when you do the deep inner work of knowing and living out your core values.

In my new book, The Magnetic Leader: 18 Essential Actions of Leaders People Love to Follow, I go much deeper into Essential Action #17 – Guards Integrity. CLICK HERE to learn more and to purchase your copy today!

Until next time…make today GREAT!

Welcome to the Magnetic Leadership Podcast!

Welcome to the brand new Magnetic Leadership podcast!

On this podcast, we’ll be discussing real-time, real-world leadership issues while helping entrepreneurs and executives become the kind of leaders people love to follow so they can attract and retain their ideal employees, customers, and clients.

In this episode, author and leadership coach Chris McClure shares a brief overview of what to expect and what’s to come.

You can learn more and order your copy of  “The Magnetic Leader” at

The Significance of Exemplifying Humility in Leadership

In our world of self-promotion, humility isn’t a very popular trait these days. However, to be a leader who attracts high-quality engaged people to your team or organization, it can’t be all about you. While personal branding is valuable in the complex world we live in, there’s a fine line between building your brand and allowing your ego to run wild. 

If you desire to be someone people love to follow, consider the following key ideas and actions to implement in your daily leadership.

1 – Lowering Yourself Requires Strength

Too often, humility is viewed as a weakness because you’re not pounding your chest or shouting “I am the greatest!” like Muhammed Ali, but in reality, it’s a strength. It takes strength to restrain yourself from being egotistical and arrogant. It takes strength to put others’ needs above your own. It takes strength to help others win without receiving all the credit yourself.

2 – Bend Down to Lift Others Up

When you are committed to developing leaders in your organization, you must meet them on their level. In sports, when a player falls to the ground, his or her teammates rush over to help them up. They don’t stand up tall and expect them to come up to their level. Instead, they bend down to grab their hands and lift them up. To help others improve their skills and performance, bend down to meet them where they are, then help them rise up to accomplish new goals.

3 – Gain Respect by Giving Respect

Respect is earned, not simply given. Yes, there is often a “honeymoon” period when leaders receive respect simply because they are hired into certain positions, but it doesn’t last forever. Titles and roles only go so far. Respect is ultimately gained (and kept) through intentional daily actions. When you give respect to those you lead, you are more likely to receive it back. Regardless of the various roles people play in your organization, each person should be valued for who they are, as well as their unique contributions.

Imagine people feeling comfortable enough to approach you because you don’t place yourself on a self-given pedestal.

Imagine your followers trusting you to help them rise to new levels in their own leadership.

Imagine receiving respect simply because of who you are and how you treat others regardless of what roles they serve in your organization.

This can be your reality when you intentionally choose to exemplify humility. Followers appreciate humble leaders who display quiet strength and produce results without having to draw attention to themselves. This doesn’t mean you must suppress your enthusiasm or outgoing personality if that’s natural for you. It’s merely about the posture you take as you interact with your team.

In my new book, The Magnetic Leader: 18 Essential Actions of Leaders People Love to Follow, I go much deeper into Essential Action #16 – Exemplifies Humility. CLICK HERE to learn more and to purchase your copy today!

Until next time…make today GREAT!

The Power of Serving With Purpose as a Leader

In 2009 author and thought leader Simon Sinek published his book Start with Why and it quickly became a hit. The premise of his book is that we too often start by asking ourselves and our teams “how” or “what” we’re supposed to do, but our “why” is the fuel that truly makes things happen. It’s the purpose behind our tactics and strategies.

So many leaders are wearing themselves out by staying busy without being purposeful. When we are purposeful, it alters the way we think and act. It makes us more intentional. It makes us better.

If you want to become a leader who gets the most important things done with and through your followers, consider the following for being a more purposeful leader:

1 – Give of Yourself

Leading with purpose often requires that you set your agenda aside so you can serve your team in meaningful ways, which in turn empowers them to perform better. Leadership isn’t a one-person show. It’s about attracting, training, equipping, and deploying your team members to accomplish well-defined goals and tasks. When you give of yourself to your followers, they are more likely to buy into your leadership and vision. This leads to them working more purposefully.

2 – For the Benefit of Others

Many leaders sacrifice their time, energy, and health trying to receive accolades and pats on the back, but purposeful leaders who attract and retain high-quality team members work for the benefit of those they lead. They find ways to serve them so they can improve their skills and abilities. They help them define their personal goals and help them advance on their career paths. They find ways to add value to their followers daily. They don’t use their position for personal gain and power plays, but rather for enhancing the quality of the workplace environment. This gains favor with followers and motivates them to become better team players so the organization’s goals and objectives are achieved.

3 – For the Sake of the Mission 

Whether stated or not, each organization has a mission to accomplish. So do individuals. When you serve your followers purposefully, you not only help them grow and develop but you also increase your chances of accomplishing your mission more effectively. As a leader, you must continually keep the mission in front of your people. No one should show up to just work, but rather to take the next steps toward accomplishing key goals and objectives. When you serve purposefully as a leader, you set the tone for the team’s performance. They will follow your lead as you guide them to meet personal and team goals.

It’s often been said to serve “without an agenda.” I disagree. The most effective leaders always have a worthy agenda to pursue. The mission of your organization is part of it. The development of your followers is another. Your personal success can be yet another. The key is to keep things ordered so everyone has the chance to be successful. 

Imagine having a team of men and women who show up with a passion to pursue your organization’s mission each day. 

Imagine having dedicated followers who are excited to be on your team and recruit other talented people to help you achieve your mission.

Imagine ending each day feeling accomplished and enthusiastic because you are making consistent progress. 

All this can be your reality when you choose to serve purposefully rather than working in a random, scattered manner.

In my new book, The Magnetic Leader: 18 Essential Actions of Leaders People Love to Follow, I go much deeper into Essential Action #15 – Serves Purposefully. CLICK HERE to learn more and to purchase your copy today!

Until next time…make today GREAT!