
Do You Work With Purpose?

By September 4, 2017 July 30th, 2018 No Comments

It’s Labor Day morning as I write this. I’m enjoying the cool morning and looking forward to a day with my family with no agenda. As I was recently reflecting on Labor Day, I thought of you. I began wondering if you are living to your full potential and if you’re working with purpose each day. I wondered if you wake up each morning refreshed and energized to take on the day or if you lay in bed dreading what lies ahead.

Based on my observations, I believe the vast majority of people are simply grinding it out day after day, week after week, year after year hoping for the magical day when they get to retire and enjoy life. What that means is that the majority of their lives, they are just getting by and always looking forward to better days. They aren’t living with passion and purpose TODAY. They are simply surviving.

Does this describe you?

I hope it doesn’t, but if it does, there’s good news. There is a better way to live. It starts with understanding your God-given purpose and clarifying your vision for your life. But it doesn’t stop there. You also need to develop a strategy to achieve your purpose and vision, as well as, have a way to measure your progress.

Do you have a plan like this? If not, I want to invite you to join me on a FREE training call on Sunday, September 10th at 8 pm. I’ll be teaching on “4 Critical Steps to Reaching Your Potential.” During this call, I will give an overview of the four items I mentioned above and share about an upcoming coaching cohort that I’ll be launching called “The Deeper Path.” You don’t want to miss the FREE call! This coaching program has the power to literally change the direction of your life. To register for the call, click HERE.