
A Clear Purpose Fuels Your Passion

By July 17, 2017 July 30th, 2018 No Comments

Do you ever feel like life is just slipping by and you’re stuck in the mundane day after day?

Do you ever struggle to get moving each morning to go to a job that you have no passion for?

Do you ever wonder what it would take to live out your dreams?

I have good news for you!

When you clarify your purpose, your passion tank begins to fill up. And living with passion has the power to change your days, weeks and years. But how do you clarify your purpose?

First, you have to define what you really, really want in life. What makes your heart beat fast? What gives you energy just by thinking about it?

Second, you need to write it out. So many things in life become clearer when we invest the time to write them down. Writing out a plan is much more powerful than just talking about it.

Third, you need to start living out your purpose in your daily activities. Don’t wait until you are in your dream job. Start acting the part each and every day. Start becoming the person you need to be in order to be, do and have what you dream of.

I am so passionate about this topic that I became a certified coach in the areas of identity, purpose and vocational direction. On Sunday, August 13th, 2017 I am beginning a 5-week coaching program called “The Deeper Path.” Click HERE for more information and to register. I would love to have you in this coaching cohort where you’ll have the opportunity to clarify your purpose and be encouraged by others who are doing the same. Make sure to check out the details today as the registration deadline is Friday, August 4th!

Be Intentionally Great today!