
Lead by Serving

By September 9, 2015 July 31st, 2018 No Comments

“Leadership is about being a servant first.” – Allen West

“Servant Leadership” is a topic that has been written and talked about for many years now. My goal is not to beat a dead horse, but rather echo what many have already said.

If you want to become a great leader, determine in your heart and mind that people have value, then treat them accordingly. Help them. Encourage them. Coach them along. Make THEIR success your goal.

No one wants to follow someone that doesn’t care about their well-being. Everyone would love to work for someone who cares enough to make their best interest a priority.

As a leader, serve your people. Take the time to get to know them. Ask about their families, hopes, dreams, personal and professional goals. Get rid of the idea that you have to keep your personal and professional lives separate. It’s not possible! You are ONE whole person with many facets. Your followers are too.

Today, think about how you can add value by serving the people that you are privileged to lead. In order to serve them well, you need to get to know them well. Andy Stanley has brilliantly said, “Do for one what you can’t do for everyone.” What can you do for one person on your team today? Don’t worry about being “fair”. Customize your serving to individual needs. As you serve your people, watch your trust and respect levels grow.

Be Intentionally Great Today!