
Live With Intentionality

By September 28, 2015 July 31st, 2018 No Comments

“Most people accept their lives; they don’t lead them.” – John C. Maxwell

Does this sound like you? Are you simply accepting the circumstances in your life as if you can do nothing about them? Or are you living with intention each day?

Evaluate yourself with these questions:

  • Do you take time each week to plan the upcoming week?
  • Do you plan your work?
  • Do you plan your family and social life?
  • Do you guard your time and energy for things that matter most?
  • Can you verbalize what truly matters most to you?
  • Do you fill in your calendar or does someone else?

These questions can help you reflect on how intentional you are living. We all have the same amount of time each day to live. Some people waste theirs while others maximize the time they have. What is the difference maker? It’s intentionality!

Choose right now to be intentional each and every day. Clarify your values and make sure your calendar and checkbook are in alignment with them. Lead your life; don’t just accept it!

Be Intentionally Great Today!