
Living Out Your Purpose Isn’t Just About You

By January 16, 2017 July 30th, 2018 No Comments

Have you ever considered that your life’s purpose isn’t just for or about you?

Many of us struggle in life wondering what on earth we’re here for. You may ask questions like:

  • What is my calling?
  • What should I do with my life?
  • Isn’t there more to life than what I’m experiencing?

You’re not alone. I remember pondering these questions as a teenager when my high school graduation loomed and having no clue what to do with my life. Then an international trip outside of my comfort zone happened and a mentor stepped intentionally into my life. I finally had vision for my life. I realized that I was being called to equip others to clarify their life purposes and break through barriers so they could reach their potential. I couldn’t say it that clearly back then, but that’s what was in my heart and mind.

Maybe you’re much older and still wondering what your life purpose is. It’s okay. I want to encourage you today that you were created with a great purpose for your life. If you’re still breathing, you have a purpose!

But here’s the thing – your purpose isn’t just for or about you! There are people right around you that need you to live a full life of purpose. They need you to be inspired and motivated at home, at work, and in the community in which you live. They need you to care about them and use the abilities you have to help them live better lives and experience better work environments. You are important and needed!

But how do you discover your life purpose? This can be a detailed discovery process that takes time, but here are four areas that point to your purpose:

  • Abilities – What gifts, skills, or abilities do you have that can help and serve others?
  • Experiences – What experiences have you had (good and bad) that can help others? Quite often, the pain we go through points to how we can help others most.
  • Passions – What excites and motivates you? What do you daydream about? What makes you laugh, cry, or sing? What gets you moving in the morning?
  • Needs – What are the needs you see and hear of right around you? Who is in need? What are the needs?

While we could dig much deeper into each of these areas, use the questions from each area to process on your own. Click HERE for a recent free teaching call I recorded called “How to Clarify Your Purpose & Go After Your Dreams in 2017!” I believe it will help you.

Also, maybe you have a big dream or some key goals you want to work on or accomplish in 2017. If that sounds like you, check out my upcoming Master Class on John Maxwell’s book “Put Your Dream to the Test.” For only $49, you will receive 6-sessions of teaching and coaching on Tuesday nights at 8pm EST, January 17 – February 21, 2017. You will learn 10 key questions to use as a filter for any dream or goal you have. This is the upfront work that should be done before taking action. Act fast because registration closes tonight, January 16th, at midnight! Click HERE for more details and to register.

Your life matters and not just for you! Others need you to live a life of purpose each day. You can do it. I believe in you!

Be Intentionally Great today!