
Raise Your Personal Standards

By September 14, 2015 December 31st, 2021 No Comments

“The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.” – Ray Kroc

What do you expect out of your followers? Are you modeling these expectations in front of them daily?

John C. Maxwell’s “Law of the Picture” states that “people do what people see.” It’s easy for leaders to be frustrated with their followers’ performance, but it’s not as easy to look in the mirror and ask “How can I lead them to perform better?” Personal accountability as a leader is critical!

Your example will be what is lived out in your organization. If you do not like what you are seeing in your people, it’s time to look within yourself. Spend time reflecting on your personal development. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I growing or have I plateaued?
  • Am I striving to be better each day or am I content to coast?
  • What are key areas of improvement that I need to work on?
  • How can I be a better model to my followers?
  • What outcomes do I want to see in the performance of myself and my team?

Before you criticize your team, do a self-check. Before you confront and criticize them, look in the mirror. When you do a personal evaluation first, you can better serve your team when you approach them with how everyone needs to improve – including yourself. You can’t ask people to do what you aren’t willing to do. Another great quote from John C. Maxwell is “A leader knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” Can this be said of you?

Be Intentionally Great Today!