
The Power of Doing Small Things With Excellence

By August 6, 2015 October 5th, 2021 No Comments

Napoleon Hill said “If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great way.”

Isn’t it funny how many of us want to make a BIG difference in our world, but we aren’t committed to doing the small things that actually make big things happen?

In your leadership don’t get lost in the details, but don’t neglect them either. It’s often the mundane details that allow the big things to come to fruition. Every big goal must be broken down into small steps. Think about it – how many small details did it take so a man could walk on the moon?

Spend some time today writing down your BIG goals. Then spend some time writing down the small steps that you need to take to achieve those goals. Then take action!

Be Intentionally Great Today!