Last week I received news that my beloved babysitter from my childhood passed away at 93 years old.
“Miss Pat” was a faithful subscriber to my weekly emails and would occasionally reply to me and tell me how things were going in her world.
It was always great to hear from her as she played an integral part in my life during my preschool years and our family has stayed connected to her all these years later.
While it’s sad to know she’s gone from this earth, I’m grateful that I got to know her throughout my life.
It makes me think about my legacy.
What will others say when I’m gone?
What am I doing today that will leave a positive lasting impression on others?
Pat loved hundreds of children and their families as they passed through her childcare center, which was actually her home.
She always had a smile on her face and loved to laugh and encourage others.
She was a faithful servant in her church and a matriarch for her family.
She will be missed but certainly not forgotten.
What about you?
What legacy are you building today?
What do you want people to say and remember about you when your time is up on earth?
While we can’t control others’ thoughts about us, we can certainly live in a way that influences them to remember us long after we’re gone.
We’re all standing on the shoulders of family, friends, and leaders who have gone before us.
Everyone leaves a legacy of some kind.
Few are intentional about what they want to leave behind.
Let’s be part of the few who live with intentionality to love and lead those around us well so our lives count for something significant long after we’re gone.
Let’s honor those like Pat who have made such a difference in our lives by living in a way that builds upon the foundation they built.
Until next time, make today GREAT!
Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you:
- The Way to Greatness book – Discover the five continual choices that lead to The GREAT Life and how to implement them immediately.
- The GREAT Life Bootcamp video course – In this self-paced course, I’ll guide you to learn how to experience the life you were created to live by improving your faith, relationships, mindset, stewardship, and time management. (Enter coupon code “MM50” at checkout to receive a subscriber-only 50% discount!)