
5 Questions to Receive Valuable Feedback

By September 14, 2022 No Comments

Leadership is challenging. 

That may seem like an obvious statement, but many leaders forget that what they’re doing isn’t for everyone and they don’t give themselves enough credit for stepping up to lead. 

The world is always changing.

Because of this reality, continual growth is mandatory if we want to continue leading in an ever-changing world. One key way to grow is to receive specific feedback from those you lead and your peers.

Many leaders are afraid to ask for feedback because they may not like the answers they receive. However, it’s vital for us to hear the truth if we’re going to shine a light on our blind spots and improve our skills.

In order to receive valuable feedback that you can use as a springboard for growth, ask the following 5 questions:

1 – What am I currently doing well as a leader?

Start with a positive question. People are often afraid to give feedback because they don’t want negative repercussions. When you give them an opportunity to share something positive, it will help ease the tension. If they struggle to tell you something, take note that it could be a sign that there are some obvious gaps you need to address.

2 – What areas do I need to improve?

People see others’ weaknesses more than their own. They already know where you’re struggling and probably have been discussing these weaknesses with others. Disarm them by telling them you truly want to know what they’re seeing so you can become better. Ensure that nothing they say will come back to hurt them. And sincerely mean it.

3 – How can I help you become more successful?

This question shifts the spotlight toward others. It communicates that you value their success as much as your own. When you ask this question, you’re giving them the opportunity to share their personal goals and express what they need from you as their leader to achieve them.

4 – What team or organizational gaps do you currently see?

This question allows people to give input about higher-level issues going on in the organization. Once again, they already see the gaps and have probably been talking about them with others. Giving them a voice to express what they’re seeing will help them feel valued and will help you understand issues to address from their perspective.

5 – Is there anything else you’d like to share?

This question is helpful because something may come to mind that doesn’t seem to fit the previous questions. You’re giving them an opportunity to discuss other matters that are on their minds in order to get their perspective. This can open the door to creative ideas and deeper relationships with your people.

Each of these questions is a prompt for deeper conversations. If you’re not in the habit of seeking feedback, be prepared for resistance. Many people get nervous telling their leaders about the weaknesses they see in them. However, when you make this a habit and people realize you sincerely care about their input, it can change your culture dramatically. 

When you ask these questions, you are displaying humility and communicating that you know you’re not perfect. This is significant because too many leaders carry themselves with a posture that communicates the opposite. Humble leaders who seek feedback are the kind of leaders people love to follow.

The key is that once you receive this feedback, you must do something with it. If you ask the questions but refuse to address your shortcomings, you will lose respect and people will not give you future feedback. Make sure you are intentional with both asking the questions and then taking action to grow.

If you need help determining how to grow in critical leadership areas, let’s chat to discuss how I can help you. CLICK HERE to learn more about my coaching services and we’ll schedule a time to talk about how working together may be just what you need to grow to the next level.

Until next time…make today GREAT!