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The Difficult Lesson of Being Patient

By February 25, 2025 No Comments

I’ve been sick for the last week and it’s reminded me that I’m not a very good patient! 🙂

It started with a little scratchiness in my chest, then it turned into full-blown congestion and achiness.

I know I’m just one person among many who have dealt with this (or worse) this winter, but it’s been a good reminder that when something happens to you, it’s easy to think you’re the only one dealing with it.

I’ve had to be patient with the healing process.

I’ve had to let go of my best-laid plans and simply rest.

And it’s been HARD!

Do you ever feel that way?

Do you ever have plans that you’re ready to tackle and then they’re disrupted and it feels very frustrating?

I’m sure you’ve been there. We all have.

In these moments, it’s a good reminder that life doesn’t always go as planned and disruptions happen.

It’s how we handle those disruptions that reveal our character.

Patience truly is a virtue and it’s easily tested.

We’re all in the process of becoming better versions of who God created us to be but we must be patient. Lasting change doesn’t happen overnight.

Most of us want instant results, but things rarely work out that way.

Instead, the slow process develops our character and prepares us for long-term success more than we expect.

If you’re feeling rushed and anxious, take a step back and a deep breath.

Focus on regaining perspective and realize that things will work out as you patiently keep moving forward one step at a time.

Until next time, make today GREAT!

Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you:

  1. ​The Way to Greatness​ book – Discover the five continual choices that lead to The GREAT Life and how to implement them immediately.
  2. ​The GREAT Life Bootcamp video course​ – In this self-paced course, I’ll guide you to learn how to experience the life you were created to live by improving your faith, relationships, mindset, stewardship, and time management. (Enter coupon code “MM50” at checkout to receive a subscriber-only 50% discount!)