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Chris McClure

Go BIG or Go Home!

While the song by American Authors may come to mind, this isn’t a music review!

You may have figured out that “BIG” in my organization name stands for “Be Intentionally Great.” This was revealed to me as I dreamed of the vision for my organization and it has become my new life message. I believe that every human being has incredible God-given potential inside of them. The problem for most people is that their potential is never realized. Instead, we settle for small thinking and living. We’re afraid to take risks, so we accept our current circumstances even if we dream of something better or more significant.

What do you dream about? What do you hope for? Are you taking risks or are you playing small?

Today I want to encourage and challenge you to start living BIG! Be Intentionally Great – at home, at work, wherever you are. Don’t settle for mediocrity. Don’t let days haphazardly slip by. Lead a life of significance by serving others. Become great by thinking BIG and taking action to go after your dreams.

If you need a partner to think and dream with, I am here to serve as a coach. Please contact me.

Be Intentionally Great Today!

Lead Your Life, Don’t Just Accept It

“Most people simply accept their lives – they don’t lead them.” – John C. Maxwell

Take a moment to think about your life. Are you intentionally leading yourself or are you simply accepting the way things are and the circumstances that you’re in? If you fall into the latter category, you’re in good company with most people. However, if you’re in the former group, you are in an elite club.

Jim Rohn said “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”

You have one life to live. Are you making the most of it? Are you waiting for “someday” to go after your dreams? Are you waiting for the perfect conditions before taking action on your goals? Are you striving for a life of significance?

My challenge for you today is to start leading your life. Determine to stop accepting things as they are. Go after your dreams. Start today. Start moving forward. After all, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. What is your one step today?

Go and Be Intentionally Great Today!

Don’t Undervalue Yourself!

If you’re like me, you have greatly undervalued yourself at times. What you have experienced in life can add tremendous value to others. The good, the bad, and the ugly have hopefully taught you many lessons that you can now use to help others.

Humility is an incredible character trait. However, lack of self-worth is NOT humility! Humility is thinking of yourself less, not thinking less of yourself. It is possible to be humble and great at the same time. No one likes an arrogant person who loves to shine the spotlight on themselves without regard to others. The opposite is true too – no one likes to be around someone who thinks poorly of themselves and carries a “whoa is me” demeanor!

Take some time today to reflect on your true value. What life experiences and skills can you utilize to help others? What successes and failures have taught you key lessons that you can now teach others through? You have incredible value and others need to learn from you. You have one life to live – make it count by confidently adding value to others!

Be Intentionally Great Today!

The Power of Doing Small Things With Excellence

Napoleon Hill said “If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great way.”

Isn’t it funny how many of us want to make a BIG difference in our world, but we aren’t committed to doing the small things that actually make big things happen?

In your leadership don’t get lost in the details, but don’t neglect them either. It’s often the mundane details that allow the big things to come to fruition. Every big goal must be broken down into small steps. Think about it – how many small details did it take so a man could walk on the moon?

Spend some time today writing down your BIG goals. Then spend some time writing down the small steps that you need to take to achieve those goals. Then take action!

Be Intentionally Great Today!

Habits Determine Success

What habits do you have? Are they mostly good? Bad? Do you ever think about your habits determining your success?

The reality is that our daily rituals and routines determine our success more than we can imagine. Think about it – if we eat poorly each day, we gain weight. If we exercise regularly, we can have better health. If we monitor our finances, we can be better off financially.

Now, consider your leadership success. Are you regularly investing in your personal growth? Are you regularly sharing your learnings with those around you? Are you living out the principles that you are learning? It is in these things that help you grow and determine your success. Leadership development has to be intentional – it won’t happen by accident!

So, spend some time this week examining your habits. If you continue to do what your habits are, what will your future look like? Prioritize good habits that will help you develop as a person and leader. Create a “stop doing” list for the bad habits that will work against you.

Remember, your habits will determine your success!

10 Years From Now

“We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.” – Jim Rohn

As you think about the end of your life, would you rather conclude that you tried to the best of your ability to achieve greatness and success OR would you rather look back and regret all the things you never had the courage to pursue?

I recently heard John Maxwell say (my paraphrase) to “look 10 years out at your goals and then look 30 days out to determine the action steps you need to take to reach those goals.”

In 10 years, what do you want your life to look like? Here’s what I’m confident of – if you don’t start working towards your goals now, you won’t realize your goals then!

I recently had to evaluate my goals while making a decision about a big investment in my personal growth. While the upfront cost stung a bit, I am thrilled that I took that step and am confident that my “10 years from now” will be incredible because of it.

What do you need to do today to start working on your “10 years from now”?

Help Make Your Employees’ Dreams Come True!

No matter what business you are in, you are in the PEOPLE BUSINESS! If you want to win with people, help them achieve their hopes and dreams. Check out this great article from FastCompany.com that explains why helping employees go after their dreams is actually a win-win scenario!

Zig Ziglar said, “You don’t build a business – you build people – and then people build the business.” Help your employees go after their dreams and watch their commitment to building your business grow!