

Here’s a Secret to Achieving Greater Results in Your Life & Work

Over the past 2 1/2 years, I have been growing exponentially – personally and professionally. My world has opened up to wise people and resources that I never knew existed. As I’ve been on this growth journey, I’ve often found myself overwhelmed with what or who I should engage with and how to fit it all into my schedule.

Recently, I had an “aha moment” where I realized that pressing harder isn’t the answer to future success. It only wears me out. Instead, I need to relax and refresh more so that when I have to be “on” I’m more prepared. While this was insightful for me, I’ve actually experienced a level of stress as I’ve tried to slow my pace. I’ve realized I’m a “busyness addict.” Being busy has been my drug of choice for years and I’ve worn it as a badge of honor. But busy doesn’t equal effective.

Maybe you feel way too busy as well. You’re not alone. It seems the majority of people I meet are in the same boat. We’re working hard at our jobs, we’re wanting to be highly engaged and available for our families, and we don’t want to say “no” to people.

I want to encourage you this week to schedule times of rest. I’ve learned a lot from Darren Hardy over the past few years. One thing that he recently taught was that if we don’t give ourselves time to rest, we can work harder and actually produce less-than-stellar results.

If you want to produce and perform at your best, you actually need to REST, DO LESS and FOCUS MORE. 

To experience this new reality, you’re going to have to “detox” from your busyness addiction. I can’t promise it will be easy, but I do know it will be worth it!

I want you to be GREAT in your life and leadership. Are you willing to take the bold step to shift your thinking and your actions? If so, shoot me an email and let me know what you plan to do starting this week!

How to Lead with Gratitude

We are coming off of another Thanksgiving week. Each November it is common to see many people posting on social media about what they’re thankful for. It’s great to see, but it also makes me wonder how grateful we are the rest of the year. As leaders, we need to make a habit of leading with gratitude and set an example for those who are watching us.

I was convicted today through a sermon entitled “Radical Thanksgiving.” The message made me pause and I realized that I take so much for granted without showing gratitude. That’s what happens to us, isn’t it? We get used to our blessings and begin to take them for granted. I don’t want that to define me and I don’t want that to define you.

So, how can you lead with gratitude?

1 – Say “thank you” more often.

This may seem obvious and even overly simple, but how often do you say “thank you” to your team members? Expressing thanks for even the most menial tasks can foster a culture of gratitude.

2 – Serve your team.

As you elevate to higher levels in an organization it’s easy to expect others to serve you, but the best leaders are those who serve their team members first and consistently. Even if you’re not “in charge,” serving other team members will give you greater influence and impact. By serving others you are showing gratitude for what they do and for who they are.

3 – Keep a “Gratefulness Journal.”

Whether you are used to journaling or not, this is a great practice. Simply start writing things down that you are thankful for. I’m confident you’ll be surprised how many items you have written when you really stop to think about it. This has the power to lift our spirits on difficult days and to humble you when you begin to think too highly of yourself.

As you enter a new week, take a look around you. Who are the people you’re thankful for? What material possessions are you thankful for? What situations (good and bad) are you thankful for? Don’t let gratefulness be a seasonal thing that only happens once each year. Schedule regular times to reflect on what you are thankful for and begin expressing your gratitude more frequently to those you lead.

Be Intentionally Great today!

Do You Work With Purpose?

It’s Labor Day morning as I write this. I’m enjoying the cool morning and looking forward to a day with my family with no agenda. As I was recently reflecting on Labor Day, I thought of you. I began wondering if you are living to your full potential and if you’re working with purpose each day. I wondered if you wake up each morning refreshed and energized to take on the day or if you lay in bed dreading what lies ahead.

Based on my observations, I believe the vast majority of people are simply grinding it out day after day, week after week, year after year hoping for the magical day when they get to retire and enjoy life. What that means is that the majority of their lives, they are just getting by and always looking forward to better days. They aren’t living with passion and purpose TODAY. They are simply surviving.

Does this describe you?

I hope it doesn’t, but if it does, there’s good news. There is a better way to live. It starts with understanding your God-given purpose and clarifying your vision for your life. But it doesn’t stop there. You also need to develop a strategy to achieve your purpose and vision, as well as, have a way to measure your progress.

Do you have a plan like this? If not, I want to invite you to join me on a FREE training call on Sunday, September 10th at 8 pm. I’ll be teaching on “4 Critical Steps to Reaching Your Potential.” During this call, I will give an overview of the four items I mentioned above and share about an upcoming coaching cohort that I’ll be launching called “The Deeper Path.” You don’t want to miss the FREE call! This coaching program has the power to literally change the direction of your life. To register for the call, click HERE.

Small Living Robs Others of What You Have to Offer

Nelson Mandela said, “There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

Have you ever considered how “playing small” may actually rob others of a better life experience that they desire?

Think about it. You and I are uniquely gifted. Every human being is created differently. We have different gifts, abilities, passions, and desires. Some of us are great at math while others are excellent writers. Some have engineering minds while others are primarily artistic. Women are wired completely differently than men; children see the world completely different than adults. People in the United States contribute something completely different than those in Asia, Europe, and elsewhere. This great big spinning ball we live on is amazing and fascinating! And there are billions of incredible people living right now that contribute to the well-being of society.

You were uniquely created! You have a special part to play throughout your lifetime. Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently. But many of us struggle through life feeling like we aren’t achieving our potential. And that actually hurts everyone.

I need you to live to your fullest potential. You need me to do the same. Imagine if everyone had true clarity on their life purpose. Imagine if we were all living out the best versions of ourselves. I believe that would change the world quickly. When we are clear on our purpose and living it out, we live more satisfied and joyful lives. We contribute more to society. We’re more pleasant to be around. We see the good in each other instead of our differences that often divide.

My hope for you is that you will begin to live your life to the fullest extent in the sweet spot of your purpose. We need you to be your best self.

Don’t play small today. Even doing small things with passion can make a BIG impact!

Be Intentionally Great!

Breakthroughs Come From Pushing Through Challenges

Have you ever noticed how most people come against a challenge and determine in an instant that because it’s not easy it must not be something they should pursue?

Have you ever felt this way?

I have.

A lesson I’ve been learning is this – in order to achieve the dreams and goals that I have, I have to push through challenges in order to experience the breakthroughs I desire. It’s too easy to coast through life and settle for mediocrity. Instead, we need to see the challenges before us as growth opportunities that will help us get stronger.

Over the past couple of months, I have been going through a workout program that has been very challenging. However, once I push through each stage of it, I am becoming much stronger and have greater endurance. We tend to understand this concept physically, but I think many of us miss it mentally, emotionally, relationally and spiritually.

To achieve the goals and dreams you have, you’re going to face challenges of all kinds. You’re going to realize areas that you must grow in if you are going to achieve what you desire. Growth can be frustrating and painful at times, but if you push through you will be stronger and better for it.

As a coach, I help people realize their potential and then helping them to grow into it. Whether it’s your personal or professional life, challenges await you if you are seeking to be, do, and achieve more.

So, the question I leave you with today is this – “What is one challenge in your life that you need to push through today in order to advance towards your dreams and goals?”

I encourage you to determine right now to push through the challenges you feel in order to take one more step forward.

Be Intentionally Great today!

A Clear Purpose Fuels Your Passion

Do you ever feel like life is just slipping by and you’re stuck in the mundane day after day?

Do you ever struggle to get moving each morning to go to a job that you have no passion for?

Do you ever wonder what it would take to live out your dreams?

I have good news for you!

When you clarify your purpose, your passion tank begins to fill up. And living with passion has the power to change your days, weeks and years. But how do you clarify your purpose?

First, you have to define what you really, really want in life. What makes your heart beat fast? What gives you energy just by thinking about it?

Second, you need to write it out. So many things in life become clearer when we invest the time to write them down. Writing out a plan is much more powerful than just talking about it.

Third, you need to start living out your purpose in your daily activities. Don’t wait until you are in your dream job. Start acting the part each and every day. Start becoming the person you need to be in order to be, do and have what you dream of.

I am so passionate about this topic that I became a certified coach in the areas of identity, purpose and vocational direction. On Sunday, August 13th, 2017 I am beginning a 5-week coaching program called “The Deeper Path.” Click HERE for more information and to register. I would love to have you in this coaching cohort where you’ll have the opportunity to clarify your purpose and be encouraged by others who are doing the same. Make sure to check out the details today as the registration deadline is Friday, August 4th!

Be Intentionally Great today!

Don’t Wait for Inspiration

Do you ever find yourself waiting to become inspired to do the work you know you need to do? Maybe you are waiting around to start on a dream project or maybe it’s as simple as getting a household task done.

Here’s what I’ve discovered – inspiration rarely comes until you get up and take action. Just as we sometimes need to act our way into our feelings, we also need to act our way into inspiration. Recently we were adding some plants to our landscaping. After installing the plants, I needed to mulch our flower beds. I wasn’t very inspired to do it, but once I ordered the mulch to be delivered and a heaping mountain of it showed up on our driveway I had to get to work. On top of that, I had a small window of time to get it done on a busy Saturday. Did I feel inspired? No! But when I took action, momentum kicked in and I accomplished more work than I have in a long time. It was hot, sweaty, dirty work, but at the end I was proud of what I accomplished and finally felt inspired.

What is it that you need to get moving on? Make a decision right now that you are going to tackle it. Start taking action and let momentum build. That’s when inspiration will finally come.

Be Intentionally Great today!

Make a Decision and Start Moving Forward

Do you ever find yourself overthinking what your next move should be?

Do you ever find yourself stuck and frustrated?

Do you ever find yourself conflicted about what you “should” do?

As human beings, we have highly advanced minds that can produce incredible things, but we can also cause ourselves a lot of stress from overthinking and fearing the decisions we make. Today I want to help you find some freedom. Instead of overthinking and analyzing something a thousand times, make a decision and start moving forward. As the old adage goes “you can’t steer a parked car.” While your first decision may not be the “best” decision, it will get you moving and you can then make course corrections along the way. Many times, taking the 1st step is the most difficult. Steps 2 and beyond are a bit easier because you overcome inertia and have momentum building.

What decision(s) do you need to make today and start moving on? Real-time confession – I had two decisions in the past few days that I kept thinking about. Once I made my mind up on what to do and began to take action, the next steps became clear and much easier to take. Let that be your story today as well. You are made to keep moving forward. Make the decisions you need to make and start moving forward on them.

Make today a great day. Be Intentionally Great!

How to Grow in Influence – Reproduce Other Influencers

In my last blog – click HERE to read – I wrote about growing in influence by empowering others. In that article, I shared a four-stage process to take someone from incompetence to competence, from dependence to independence.

Today I am ending this series by taking a look at how we grow in influence by reproducing other influencers (leaders). It is important for you to personally grow in leadership, but the great leaders don’t stop with themselves. They don’t just accumulate followers. Rather, they reproduce leaders. They have a multiplication mindset.

If you want to grow in influence, taking the step of reproduction is critical. The more you invest and help others grow so they can be more influential, the more influence you will gain. Many people hesitate helping others grow because they fear they will replace them. In reality, leaders should always be looking to train up others who CAN replace themselves! And when people see that you have their best interest in mind and are willing to help them succeed, the higher level of influence you will have.

Influence is NOT about manipulation. Rather, it’s about helping others become the best versions of themselves. You have a lot to offer. Who around you can you reproduce your skills and abilities? Yes, you have much to grow in. We all do. However, you started somewhere to get where you are today. Help someone else begin or continue their growth journey and watch your influence soar.

Be Intentionally Great today!

***I would love to help you grow in influence as a leader. If you would like to learn more about my coaching and training services, please email me at [email protected].