What’s Your Legacy?

Last week I received news that my beloved babysitter from my childhood passed away at 93 years old.

“Miss Pat” was a faithful subscriber to my weekly emails and would occasionally reply to me and tell me how things were going in her world.

It was always great to hear from her as she played an integral part in my life during my preschool years and our family has stayed connected to her all these years later.

While it’s sad to know she’s gone from this earth, I’m grateful that I got to know her throughout my life.

It makes me think about my legacy.

What will others say when I’m gone?

What am I doing today that will leave a positive lasting impression on others?

Pat loved hundreds of children and their families as they passed through her childcare center, which was actually her home.

She always had a smile on her face and loved to laugh and encourage others.

She was a faithful servant in her church and a matriarch for her family.

She will be missed but certainly not forgotten.

What about you?

What legacy are you building today?

What do you want people to say and remember about you when your time is up on earth?

While we can’t control others’ thoughts about us, we can certainly live in a way that influences them to remember us long after we’re gone.

We’re all standing on the shoulders of family, friends, and leaders who have gone before us.

Everyone leaves a legacy of some kind.

Few are intentional about what they want to leave behind.

Let’s be part of the few who live with intentionality to love and lead those around us well so our lives count for something significant long after we’re gone.

Let’s honor those like Pat who have made such a difference in our lives by living in a way that builds upon the foundation they built.

Until next time, make today GREAT!

Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you:

  1. The Way to Greatness book – Discover the five continual choices that lead to The GREAT Life and how to implement them immediately.
  2. The GREAT Life Bootcamp video course – In this self-paced course, I’ll guide you to learn how to experience the life you were created to live by improving your faith, relationships, mindset, stewardship, and time management. (Enter coupon code “MM50” at checkout to receive a subscriber-only 50% discount!)

When There’s a Leadership Void, Step Up to the Plate

It’s not uncommon in organizations to have leadership gaps in different seasons or on different teams.

Sometimes it’s ignorant neglect. Other times, complacency sets in and people simply go through the motions.

If you find yourself frustrated that there’s a lack of leadership, take the initiative to step into the role that’s needed.

As John Maxwell has famously taught for many years, “leadership is influence.”

It doesn’t require a title, position, or special office.

Anyone can lead wherever they are.

If you’re at the top of the org chart, it’s implied that you’re supposed to provide leadership.

If you’re in the middle of the pack, it’s easy to hide.

And if you’re in an entry-level position, it’s natural to look to others to lead.

But the reality is that anyone at any level can be a leader to help the team and organization flourish.

A great book about this is John Maxwell’s “The 360 Degree Leader: Developing Your Influence from Anywhere in the Organization.”

I’ve been in situations where the leaders above me were burned out and simply didn’t lead.

I’ve also worked under leaders who were afraid to speak up because they didn’t want to rock the boat among the other leaders.

I learned from each of these situations that a leader is needed regardless of how anyone is feeling, and it’s an opportunity to contribute when you step up to lead when others are backing down or shying away.

Don’t let a leadership void go unfilled when you have the ability to add value.

You may not be the most experienced or qualified, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make a big difference.

You never know…your stepping up may be just what is needed to move others to do that same.

Until next time, make today GREAT!

Whenever you’re ready, here are four ways I can help you:

  1. The Magnetic Leader book– Grab your copy of my playbook to consistently attract and retain high-quality team members, customers, and clients.
  2. Magnetic Leadership video course – Learn the 18 Essential Actions to attract and retain high-quality team members. (Enter coupon code “MM50” at checkout to receive a 50% newsletter subscriber discount!)
  3. Magnetic Leadership Community – Join the community of growth-minded individuals focused on leveling up their leadership capabilities. (This is a monthly membership program that includes group coaching, expert interviews, the Magnetic Leadership video course, and bonus training)
  4. Magnetic Leadership Community for Teams – Enroll your team for an 18-month leadership development program that provides a common leadership language and helps foster a thriving, attractive culture.

How’s Your Vision?

When kids are growing up, it’s common to ask them what they want to be someday?

Their answers are often amazing.

They don’t put a limit on their dreams and worry about what’s “realistic.”

Instead, they think of what they’d love to do without limitation.

Unfortunately, we grow out of this childlike wonder as we age.

Whether it’s our environment, the people who influence us, or any other causes, we lose our vision for life as we get older.

When was the last time you dreamed?

When was the last time you had a clear vision for your life or business?

Vision is what motivates us.

It gets us out of bed with enthusiasm and is the fuel that helps us persevere when things aren’t going our way.

Vision propels us forward to become better and smarter.

It stretches us and shapes us into better versions of ourselves.

Beware of settling for less than you’re capable of living because you think your best days are behind you.

Even in old age humans can accomplish great things!

Our dreams may look different the older we get but the impact can still be massive.

Proverbs 29:18 in the Bible states, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Vision is critical for life and progress.

It’s vision that builds nations.

It was vision that led the Wright brothers to figure out flight.

It was vision that led to all the products and services we take for granted.

If you’re feeling stuck, frustrated, lost or confused, it’s most likely because you’ve lost your vision.

It’s been said that if you lose your “why” you’ll lose your way.

Your “why” is your vision. It’s your purpose.

To regain motivation and get back on track to accomplishing great things, block out time to think, pray, and dream.

What do you want to accomplish in the next year, five years, or decade?

What do you feel called to do?

Who do you feel called to serve?

What would excite you to get out of bed every morning and energize you to tackle each day’s challenges?

Once you have answers to these questions, the “how” will come into perspective.

The people and resources will become evident.

But it starts with checking your vision and permitting yourself to dream again regardless of your age or life situation.

Until next time, make today GREAT!

Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you:

  1. The Way to Greatness book – Discover the five continual choices that lead to The GREAT Life and how to implement them immediately.
  2. The GREAT Life Bootcamp video course – In this self-paced course, I’ll guide you to learn how to experience the life you were created to live by improving your faith, relationships, mindset, stewardship, and time management. (Enter coupon code “MM50” at checkout to receive a subscriber-only 50% discount!)

To Succeed Later, You Must Prepare NOW

We’re easily enamored in our culture with those who rise to the top of their fields and win championships.

But we rarely consider what it took to achieve those great feats.

The reality is that “overnight success” often takes years (sometimes decades) of struggle to get there.

No one likes to hear that when they’re chasing a dream.

Whether we like it or not, we must go through the “valley of becoming” where we’re prepared to accomplish our dreams and goals.

The early mornings and late nights of struggle and isolation prepare us to achieve great results.

The question is this – Are you willing to put in the time and effort long before the results are achieved?

Most people aren’t and as a result settle for mediocre, ordinary living.

Whatever your hopes, dreams, and goals are, commit today to put in the work to become the person able to accomplish them.

Commit to persevering when things aren’t going your way.

View your obstacles as growth opportunities and setbacks as set-ups for success.

When you face your fears and put in the hard work that no one sees right now, you’ll be able to accomplish BIG things later.

But you can’t skip this step in the process.

Today’s reality is a result of your past efforts. Tomorrow’s reality will be determined by what you do today.

In light of this, do you expect great things tomorrow, or do you need to reset your thinking and start putting in the time, energy, and effort to accomplish your goals?

Until next time, make today GREAT!

Whenever you’re ready, here are four ways I can help you:

  1. The Magnetic Leader book– Grab your copy of my playbook to consistently attract and retain high-quality team members, customers, and clients.
  2. Magnetic Leadership video course – Learn the 18 Essential Actions to attract and retain high-quality team members. (Enter coupon code “MM50” at checkout to receive a 50% newsletter subscriber discount!)
  3. Magnetic Leadership Community – Join the community of growth-minded individuals focused on leveling up their leadership capabilities. (This is a monthly membership program that includes group coaching, expert interviews, the Magnetic Leadership video course, and bonus training)
  4. Magnetic Leadership Community for Teams – Enroll your team for an 18-month leadership development program that provides a common leadership language and helps foster a thriving, attractive culture.

The Difficult Lesson of Being Patient

I’ve been sick for the last week and it’s reminded me that I’m not a very good patient! 🙂

It started with a little scratchiness in my chest, then it turned into full-blown congestion and achiness.

I know I’m just one person among many who have dealt with this (or worse) this winter, but it’s been a good reminder that when something happens to you, it’s easy to think you’re the only one dealing with it.

I’ve had to be patient with the healing process.

I’ve had to let go of my best-laid plans and simply rest.

And it’s been HARD!

Do you ever feel that way?

Do you ever have plans that you’re ready to tackle and then they’re disrupted and it feels very frustrating?

I’m sure you’ve been there. We all have.

In these moments, it’s a good reminder that life doesn’t always go as planned and disruptions happen.

It’s how we handle those disruptions that reveal our character.

Patience truly is a virtue and it’s easily tested.

We’re all in the process of becoming better versions of who God created us to be but we must be patient. Lasting change doesn’t happen overnight.

Most of us want instant results, but things rarely work out that way.

Instead, the slow process develops our character and prepares us for long-term success more than we expect.

If you’re feeling rushed and anxious, take a step back and a deep breath.

Focus on regaining perspective and realize that things will work out as you patiently keep moving forward one step at a time.

Until next time, make today GREAT!

Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you:

  1. The Way to Greatness book – Discover the five continual choices that lead to The GREAT Life and how to implement them immediately.
  2. The GREAT Life Bootcamp video course – In this self-paced course, I’ll guide you to learn how to experience the life you were created to live by improving your faith, relationships, mindset, stewardship, and time management. (Enter coupon code “MM50” at checkout to receive a subscriber-only 50% discount!)

To Go Fast, First Slow Down

Leaders are action-takers. They have to be because, without action, nothing would get done.

However, it’s easy to get so busy taking action that you can overlook the importance of slowing down to make sure what you’re doing is worthwhile.

Even a few minutes of strategic thinking can speed up your progress by ensuring that you’re not just doing busy work but rather impactful work that will truly lead to growth and progress.

But that strategic thinking doesn’t happen amidst a fury of activity.

Leaders who develop a rhythm of rest, reflection, and strategic thinking go much further than those who don’t.

It’s natural to wake up in the morning and jump on the high-speed treadmill of your job, but it’s not the wisest thing to do.

Reviewing your days, weeks, and months to evaluate what needs to change can make all the difference in the world.

When was the last time you blocked time to truly think about your activities and schedule?

When did you last slow down enough to evaluate how things are truly going?

If this is part of your regular practice, well done!

If you’re like most leaders I know, this is an area to grow in.

If you want to go further faster, schedule times for strategic planning and evaluation.

Once you know what’s going well and what needs to change you’ll be able to make better decisions and accomplish your big goals and dreams more quickly.

Choose to consistently slow down so you can ultimately speed up to get the right things done.

Until next time, make today GREAT!

Whenever you’re ready, here are four ways I can help you:

  1. The Magnetic Leader book– Grab your copy of my playbook to consistently attract and retain high-quality team members, customers, and clients.
  2. Magnetic Leadership video course – Learn the 18 Essential Actions to attract and retain high-quality team members. (Enter coupon code “MM50” at checkout to receive a 50% newsletter subscriber discount!)
  3. Magnetic Leadership Community – Join the community of growth-minded individuals focused on leveling up their leadership capabilities. (This is a monthly membership program that includes group coaching, expert interviews, the Magnetic Leadership video course, and bonus training)
  4. Magnetic Leadership Community for Teams – Enroll your team for an 18-month leadership development program that provides a common leadership language and helps foster a thriving, attractive culture.

When You’re Struggling, Try a New Approach

It’s commonly said that the definition of “insanity” is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting different results.

If you’re like me, by this definition you’ve been insane quite a few times in life!

It’s easy to feel stuck and frustrated when you’re trying to achieve new goals and dreams.

The plans we thought would work often don’t.

The problem comes when we choose to work harder on something rather than stepping back and reworking our plan.

Sometimes we need to find new sources of ideas and inspiration. This could be books, mentors, coaches, or simply taking a walk to get some fresh air and a change of perspective.

The bottom line is that you don’t have to stay stuck.

You don’t have to live in a state of frustration.

Simply take a step back, get a fresh perspective, ask for help from a trusted advisor, and then try again.

If that approach doesn’t work, repeat the process until it does.

Remember, Thomas Edison didn’t beat himself for failing thousands of times in his attempt to create the light bulb. Instead, he saw each “failure” as one more way of not accomplishing his goal.

I think we’d all be wise to approach life, leadership, and business this way as well.

Until next time, make today GREAT!

Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you:

  1. The Way to Greatness book – Discover the five continual choices that lead to The GREAT Life and how to implement them immediately.
  2. The GREAT Life Bootcamp video course – In this self-paced course, I’ll guide you to learn how to experience the life you were created to live by improving your faith, relationships, mindset, stewardship, and time management. (Enter coupon code “MM50” at checkout to receive a subscriber-only 50% discount!)

The Never-Ending Pursuit of Greatness

I recently re-read this quote from Jim Collins, which originally appeared in “Good to Great” (an all-time great business book):

“Greatness is an inherently dynamic process, not an end point. The moment you think of yourself as great, your slide toward mediocrity will have already begun.”

This reminded me of a story I once read about Michael Jordan and his constant pursuit of greatness. According to the story, after winning one of his NBA championships, he looked at his trainer and said “See you tomorrow morning.”

The man who won 6 professional championships refused to settle. Maybe that’s why he led his team to two 3-peats!

We may not have the intensity and drive of Michael Jordan, but I think it’s an important reminder that if we want to maintain greatness, we can’t accomplish a goal and then assume more greatness is automatically coming our way.

Once you become great at something, competitors begin chasing you to knock you off your pedestal.

This is why it’s so challenging for championship teams to repeat. They celebrate and settle which removes the “chip on their shoulder” or “edge” that led them to become champions in the first place.

Being great in any area of life isn’t a one-and-done activity.

I love the picture of reaching the peak of a mountain and then seeing other mountains across the range to climb. These are new opportunities to achieve greater levels of success.

A view of a mountain range at sunset

Check out this quote from quarterback Jalen Hurts who recently led the Philadelphia Eagles to win a Super Bowl championship:

“When you hoist those trophies, it’s more so about the journey and less about the results. Obviously, we’re going to be judged for results, but that’s for everyone else to talk about. But the journey is what builds us, it makes us who we are.”

Whatever you want to be great at, realize that achieving it will simply give you a new starting point to go after more.

For some, that sounds exhausting, discouraging, or intimidating.

For others, it’s the fuel that keeps them moving forward in life.

As leaders, simply know that greatness isn’t a one-time experience if you want to stay on top of your game.

Keep leveling up. Keep growing. Keep pursuing new goals and dreams.

There will come a day when we’ll all look back on our careers and lives.

Too many people look back with regret wondering what might’ve been.

But if you keep pursuing greatness, I’m confident you’ll be able to look back with gratitude…even for the things you failed to achieve simply because you kept pursuing them and didn’t give up.

Until next time, make today GREAT!

Whenever you’re ready, here are four ways I can help you:

  1. The Magnetic Leader book– Grab your copy of my playbook to consistently attract and retain high-quality team members, customers, and clients.
  2. Magnetic Leadership video course – Learn the 18 Essential Actions to attract and retain high-quality team members. (Enter coupon code “MM50” at checkout to receive a 50% newsletter subscriber discount!)
  3. Magnetic Leadership Community – Join the community of growth-minded individuals focused on leveling up their leadership capabilities. (This is a monthly membership program that includes group coaching, expert interviews, the Magnetic Leadership video course, and bonus training)
  4. Magnetic Leadership Community for Teams – Enroll your team for an 18-month leadership development program that provides a common leadership language and helps foster a thriving, attractive culture.

5 Steps to Improve Your Focus

Most people understand the importance of focus to get things done most effectively, but leaders are often pulled in so many directions that it’s quite the challenge to actually experience focus.

To be productive and not just busy, we must learn to focus consistently.

Here are 5 steps to improve your focus in your daily work:

1 – Clarify What Matters Most

Do you know what you truly need to accomplish to accomplish your dreams or goals?

Do you even have clear goals?

The first step is making sure you know what your “big rocks” are so you know what to focus on.

Next, you need to determine the order of importance of each “rock”. Write it down.

2 – Prioritize Key Activities to Achieve Success

After you have settled on your highest priority goal, it’s time to break it down into smaller action steps to accomplish it.

What specific steps must you take to achieve that goal? Begin with the end in mind.

Here’s a simple formula to assist your strategic planning process:

To accomplish X, I/we need to do Y.

Create an organized checklist of these activities.

3 – Utilize Your Calendar Strategically

Once you have your checklist, schedule each activity in specific time slots.

Keeping things on a “to-do” list is one of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to productivity.

Success coach and author Darren Hardy taught a key lesson years ago that hit me hard when I heard it. He said, “If it’s important enough to be on your to-do list, it should be important enough to be on your calendar.”

This one statement changed how I operate. If I want to get things done, my tasks must be added to specific time slots on my calendar. When they are, I can accomplish so much more in a short amount of time.

4 – Review Your Results Consistently

It’s not enough to just act. Your actions must be evaluated to make sure they are moving you in the right direction.

It’s wise to evaluate at the end of each day, week, month, quarter, and year to evaluate what led to progress and what was simply busy work that needs to be eliminated.

5 – Invite Accountability

Once you’ve decided to implement the four actions above, ask at least one colleague, friend, mentor, or coach to help you stay the course. It’s one thing to get started. It’s quite another to keep moving forward consistently.

With the assistance of an accountability partner, you’ll be able to develop better habits that will lead to better results.

Focus is a superpower in today’s “attention economy.” The more focus you can maintain, the farther ahead you can go in faster timeframes. This is a competitive advantage in the marketplace.


If you need help navigating this process, contact me and I’ll be more than happy to serve as your strategic thinking partner and accountability coach.

The One Secret Every Leader Needs to Know

There’s one secret that every leader needs to know…

But too many don’t have a clue.

Want to know what it is? Keep reading…


John Maxwell calls this “The Law of Magnetism.” He wrote an entire chapter about it in “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” years ago, yet so many leaders overlook this important truth.

Most leaders try to change their followers before addressing their own issues.

Effective leaders look in the mirror first and make personal growth a priority so they become a leader worth following.

This makes them more attractive to others.

If you want to become the kind of leader people love to follow, prioritize your personal growth and character development.

When you do, you’ll see people respond to you in positive ways and be able to attract the kind of people you desire to your team and organization.

If you want to consistently attract high-quality people to your team, visit www.magneticleadershipcourse.com to get instant access to the “Magnetic Leadership” course where you’ll learn the 18 Essential Actions of the kind of leaders that people love to follow and how to implement them immediately into your daily life.