
Business Coaching

To Succeed Later, You Must Prepare NOW

We’re easily enamored in our culture with those who rise to the top of their fields and win championships.

But we rarely consider what it took to achieve those great feats.

The reality is that “overnight success” often takes years (sometimes decades) of struggle to get there.

No one likes to hear that when they’re chasing a dream.

Whether we like it or not, we must go through the “valley of becoming” where we’re prepared to accomplish our dreams and goals.

The early mornings and late nights of struggle and isolation prepare us to achieve great results.

The question is this – Are you willing to put in the time and effort long before the results are achieved?

Most people aren’t and as a result settle for mediocre, ordinary living.

Whatever your hopes, dreams, and goals are, commit today to put in the work to become the person able to accomplish them.

Commit to persevering when things aren’t going your way.

View your obstacles as growth opportunities and setbacks as set-ups for success.

When you face your fears and put in the hard work that no one sees right now, you’ll be able to accomplish BIG things later.

But you can’t skip this step in the process.

Today’s reality is a result of your past efforts. Tomorrow’s reality will be determined by what you do today.

In light of this, do you expect great things tomorrow, or do you need to reset your thinking and start putting in the time, energy, and effort to accomplish your goals?

Until next time, make today GREAT!

Whenever you’re ready, here are four ways I can help you:

  1. The Magnetic Leader book– Grab your copy of my playbook to consistently attract and retain high-quality team members, customers, and clients.
  2. Magnetic Leadership video course – Learn the 18 Essential Actions to attract and retain high-quality team members. (Enter coupon code “MM50” at checkout to receive a 50% newsletter subscriber discount!)
  3. Magnetic Leadership Community – Join the community of growth-minded individuals focused on leveling up their leadership capabilities. (This is a monthly membership program that includes group coaching, expert interviews, the Magnetic Leadership video course, and bonus training)
  4. Magnetic Leadership Community for Teams – Enroll your team for an 18-month leadership development program that provides a common leadership language and helps foster a thriving, attractive culture.

To Go Fast, First Slow Down

Leaders are action-takers. They have to be because, without action, nothing would get done.

However, it’s easy to get so busy taking action that you can overlook the importance of slowing down to make sure what you’re doing is worthwhile.

Even a few minutes of strategic thinking can speed up your progress by ensuring that you’re not just doing busy work but rather impactful work that will truly lead to growth and progress.

But that strategic thinking doesn’t happen amidst a fury of activity.

Leaders who develop a rhythm of rest, reflection, and strategic thinking go much further than those who don’t.

It’s natural to wake up in the morning and jump on the high-speed treadmill of your job, but it’s not the wisest thing to do.

Reviewing your days, weeks, and months to evaluate what needs to change can make all the difference in the world.

When was the last time you blocked time to truly think about your activities and schedule?

When did you last slow down enough to evaluate how things are truly going?

If this is part of your regular practice, well done!

If you’re like most leaders I know, this is an area to grow in.

If you want to go further faster, schedule times for strategic planning and evaluation.

Once you know what’s going well and what needs to change you’ll be able to make better decisions and accomplish your big goals and dreams more quickly.

Choose to consistently slow down so you can ultimately speed up to get the right things done.

Until next time, make today GREAT!

Whenever you’re ready, here are four ways I can help you:

  1. The Magnetic Leader book– Grab your copy of my playbook to consistently attract and retain high-quality team members, customers, and clients.
  2. Magnetic Leadership video course – Learn the 18 Essential Actions to attract and retain high-quality team members. (Enter coupon code “MM50” at checkout to receive a 50% newsletter subscriber discount!)
  3. Magnetic Leadership Community – Join the community of growth-minded individuals focused on leveling up their leadership capabilities. (This is a monthly membership program that includes group coaching, expert interviews, the Magnetic Leadership video course, and bonus training)
  4. Magnetic Leadership Community for Teams – Enroll your team for an 18-month leadership development program that provides a common leadership language and helps foster a thriving, attractive culture.

When You’re Struggling, Try a New Approach

It’s commonly said that the definition of “insanity” is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting different results.

If you’re like me, by this definition you’ve been insane quite a few times in life!

It’s easy to feel stuck and frustrated when you’re trying to achieve new goals and dreams.

The plans we thought would work often don’t.

The problem comes when we choose to work harder on something rather than stepping back and reworking our plan.

Sometimes we need to find new sources of ideas and inspiration. This could be books, mentors, coaches, or simply taking a walk to get some fresh air and a change of perspective.

The bottom line is that you don’t have to stay stuck.

You don’t have to live in a state of frustration.

Simply take a step back, get a fresh perspective, ask for help from a trusted advisor, and then try again.

If that approach doesn’t work, repeat the process until it does.

Remember, Thomas Edison didn’t beat himself for failing thousands of times in his attempt to create the light bulb. Instead, he saw each “failure” as one more way of not accomplishing his goal.

I think we’d all be wise to approach life, leadership, and business this way as well.

Until next time, make today GREAT!

Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you:

  1. The Way to Greatness book – Discover the five continual choices that lead to The GREAT Life and how to implement them immediately.
  2. The GREAT Life Bootcamp video course – In this self-paced course, I’ll guide you to learn how to experience the life you were created to live by improving your faith, relationships, mindset, stewardship, and time management. (Enter coupon code “MM50” at checkout to receive a subscriber-only 50% discount!)

The One Secret Every Leader Needs to Know

There’s one secret that every leader needs to know…

But too many don’t have a clue.

Want to know what it is? Keep reading…


John Maxwell calls this “The Law of Magnetism.” He wrote an entire chapter about it in “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” years ago, yet so many leaders overlook this important truth.

Most leaders try to change their followers before addressing their own issues.

Effective leaders look in the mirror first and make personal growth a priority so they become a leader worth following.

This makes them more attractive to others.

If you want to become the kind of leader people love to follow, prioritize your personal growth and character development.

When you do, you’ll see people respond to you in positive ways and be able to attract the kind of people you desire to your team and organization.

If you want to consistently attract high-quality people to your team, visit to get instant access to the “Magnetic Leadership” course where you’ll learn the 18 Essential Actions of the kind of leaders that people love to follow and how to implement them immediately into your daily life.

3 Non-Negotiable Actions for Leaders Worth Following

Magnetic Leaders are desperately needed today.

Our world is a mess.

Here are 3 essential actions you must take daily:

1 – Remain teachable. You’ll never know everything, so don’t pretend you do. Keep learning and growing.

2 – Serve purposefully. Servant leadership isn’t just a buzzphrase, it’s a way of life. Serve those you lead to help them be successful.

3 – Love people. When you truly care for people, they feel it and respond with loyalty and enthusiasm.

So, remember…

If you want to truly make a difference in your sphere of influence, take these 3 essential actions to heart and implement them today.

Move Forward Even When People Exit Your Journey

“Beware the ides of March” (March 15) was a warning given to Julius Caesar by a fortune-teller.

He didn’t heed the warning and lost his life because of it.

He was betrayed by his closest followers, even a close friend.

Sometimes this happens to leaders and is extremely discouraging.

Everyone won’t complete the entire journey with you. Learn to be okay with that and keep moving forward anyway.

3 Reasons Leaders Don’t Invest in Next Generation Talent

Every leader should be investing in their next-generation talent…

But few do it.

Want to know the three main reasons? Here they are…

1 – They don’t know how. The sad reality is that many leaders were not mentored well, so they don’t know where to begin with their followers.

2 – Poor time management. Mentoring and developing leaders isn’t a quick and easy process. It requires being intentional with your time.

3 – Short-sightedness. The urgent matters of each day push out the development of the people who will create future success.

So, remember…

If you’re a leader, the development of the future leaders of your organization is YOUR responsibility.

Choose today to invest in the rising stars who will help you build a better future.