
Business Growth

The Never-Ending Pursuit of Greatness

I recently re-read this quote from Jim Collins, which originally appeared in “Good to Great” (an all-time great business book):

“Greatness is an inherently dynamic process, not an end point. The moment you think of yourself as great, your slide toward mediocrity will have already begun.”

This reminded me of a story I once read about Michael Jordan and his constant pursuit of greatness. According to the story, after winning one of his NBA championships, he looked at his trainer and said “See you tomorrow morning.”

The man who won 6 professional championships refused to settle. Maybe that’s why he led his team to two 3-peats!

We may not have the intensity and drive of Michael Jordan, but I think it’s an important reminder that if we want to maintain greatness, we can’t accomplish a goal and then assume more greatness is automatically coming our way.

Once you become great at something, competitors begin chasing you to knock you off your pedestal.

This is why it’s so challenging for championship teams to repeat. They celebrate and settle which removes the “chip on their shoulder” or “edge” that led them to become champions in the first place.

Being great in any area of life isn’t a one-and-done activity.

I love the picture of reaching the peak of a mountain and then seeing other mountains across the range to climb. These are new opportunities to achieve greater levels of success.

A view of a mountain range at sunset

Check out this quote from quarterback Jalen Hurts who recently led the Philadelphia Eagles to win a Super Bowl championship:

“When you hoist those trophies, it’s more so about the journey and less about the results. Obviously, we’re going to be judged for results, but that’s for everyone else to talk about. But the journey is what builds us, it makes us who we are.”

Whatever you want to be great at, realize that achieving it will simply give you a new starting point to go after more.

For some, that sounds exhausting, discouraging, or intimidating.

For others, it’s the fuel that keeps them moving forward in life.

As leaders, simply know that greatness isn’t a one-time experience if you want to stay on top of your game.

Keep leveling up. Keep growing. Keep pursuing new goals and dreams.

There will come a day when we’ll all look back on our careers and lives.

Too many people look back with regret wondering what might’ve been.

But if you keep pursuing greatness, I’m confident you’ll be able to look back with gratitude…even for the things you failed to achieve simply because you kept pursuing them and didn’t give up.

Until next time, make today GREAT!

Whenever you’re ready, here are four ways I can help you:

  1. The Magnetic Leader book– Grab your copy of my playbook to consistently attract and retain high-quality team members, customers, and clients.
  2. Magnetic Leadership video course – Learn the 18 Essential Actions to attract and retain high-quality team members. (Enter coupon code “MM50” at checkout to receive a 50% newsletter subscriber discount!)
  3. Magnetic Leadership Community – Join the community of growth-minded individuals focused on leveling up their leadership capabilities. (This is a monthly membership program that includes group coaching, expert interviews, the Magnetic Leadership video course, and bonus training)
  4. Magnetic Leadership Community for Teams – Enroll your team for an 18-month leadership development program that provides a common leadership language and helps foster a thriving, attractive culture.

The One Secret Every Leader Needs to Know

There’s one secret that every leader needs to know…

But too many don’t have a clue.

Want to know what it is? Keep reading…


John Maxwell calls this “The Law of Magnetism.” He wrote an entire chapter about it in “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” years ago, yet so many leaders overlook this important truth.

Most leaders try to change their followers before addressing their own issues.

Effective leaders look in the mirror first and make personal growth a priority so they become a leader worth following.

This makes them more attractive to others.

If you want to become the kind of leader people love to follow, prioritize your personal growth and character development.

When you do, you’ll see people respond to you in positive ways and be able to attract the kind of people you desire to your team and organization.

If you want to consistently attract high-quality people to your team, visit to get instant access to the “Magnetic Leadership” course where you’ll learn the 18 Essential Actions of the kind of leaders that people love to follow and how to implement them immediately into your daily life.

3 Non-Negotiable Actions for Leaders Worth Following

Magnetic Leaders are desperately needed today.

Our world is a mess.

Here are 3 essential actions you must take daily:

1 – Remain teachable. You’ll never know everything, so don’t pretend you do. Keep learning and growing.

2 – Serve purposefully. Servant leadership isn’t just a buzzphrase, it’s a way of life. Serve those you lead to help them be successful.

3 – Love people. When you truly care for people, they feel it and respond with loyalty and enthusiasm.

So, remember…

If you want to truly make a difference in your sphere of influence, take these 3 essential actions to heart and implement them today.

Move Forward Even When People Exit Your Journey

“Beware the ides of March” (March 15) was a warning given to Julius Caesar by a fortune-teller.

He didn’t heed the warning and lost his life because of it.

He was betrayed by his closest followers, even a close friend.

Sometimes this happens to leaders and is extremely discouraging.

Everyone won’t complete the entire journey with you. Learn to be okay with that and keep moving forward anyway.

3 Reasons Leaders Don’t Invest in Next Generation Talent

Every leader should be investing in their next-generation talent…

But few do it.

Want to know the three main reasons? Here they are…

1 – They don’t know how. The sad reality is that many leaders were not mentored well, so they don’t know where to begin with their followers.

2 – Poor time management. Mentoring and developing leaders isn’t a quick and easy process. It requires being intentional with your time.

3 – Short-sightedness. The urgent matters of each day push out the development of the people who will create future success.

So, remember…

If you’re a leader, the development of the future leaders of your organization is YOUR responsibility.

Choose today to invest in the rising stars who will help you build a better future.